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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Predictable (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Jun 24, 2011 at 09:58:56 AM EST
    None of this should surprise anyone with regard to the dominating majority east coast blue-blood letter (nice JFK reference, Rougman) and the handful of wannabes.  Anymore when liberal nonsense like this crops up I can count on the usual suspects names turning up.  They, as a gang of "pragmatics" code for progressive RINOs, proudly identify themselves with their mission statement.

    The November 1994 mid-term elections were commonly referred to as the "Republican Revolution." Given the great gains made by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, a group of moderate House Republicans began informal meetings to discuss ways to further a centrist, pragmatic Republican agenda -- one that could accommodate bipartisan legislative results. At that time, there was great concern that a dramatic shift to the right was quickly approaching, given the new congressional leadership. The discussion group began to craft a moderate Republican agenda with a fiscally conservative background.

    What began as a congressional discussion group started by Reps. Nancy Johnson, Steve Gunderson and Fred Upton has evolved into a national gathering of leaders from government, business and education who share a commitment to conservative, pragmatic approaches to business in a global context; to compassion [Stop]

    Sorry, that is about all of the misfit blather that I can stomach.  They're the enemy of Conservatism that was founded by the Whirlpool trust fundaire creep father of the incandescent light bulb ban and a muslim terrorists best friend.  Purging the RINO within the gates is the only solution for this nation to survive.  Vern Ehlers is among the treacherous pack of self identified RINOs and Envirowackos, and next time, he also belongs on the do not resuscitate list.  This Ehlers clown even went so far as to tell the French he opposes them trying take control of their country back when they found it necessary to ban the burqa.  Thankfully the French response to RINO Vern was a big 'ol American sized STFU.

    For anyone that hasn't read this book, I highly recommend doing so.  You'll be amazed at how accurate it still is, learn something about yourself and be able to spot the above a mile away.

    So, cars aside, in their Envirowacko RINO world it all comes down to this... we are reduced to America having windmills forced upon us that went the way of the buggy whip and costly China manufactured solar panels that are efficient in a slim minority of the country while the people practicing sand-boarding in the desert selling us oil gets deemed the role model for cheap steam energy?

    Sure as hell makes me go Taggart.  As far as I'm concerned, all these identified imitation republicans sent to DC might as well sign up with the Debbie Wasserbeast Democrats.

    As usual, really nice posting Rougman.

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