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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I got your back, RushLake (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Jul 21, 2011 at 08:55:22 AM EST
    From WHMI 93.5 FM

    7/19/11 - The Hartland Consolidated School district has re-opened an investigation against an elementary principal for allegedly hosting a party where underage drinking occurred. Argentine Township Police Chief Daniel Allen tells WHMI that two misdemeanor "party hosting" tickets were issued against Creekside Elementary Principal Tracey Sahouri and her husband, Raed. Police allege the couple knew that dozens of minors were drinking alcohol at a graduation open house on July 9th at the Sahouri's home on Rolston Road. Police say there were coolers full of alcohol and Raed Sahouri admitted to knowing that minors were drinking at the party but he did not supply them with it. A 16-year-old Linden girl was found to be severely intoxicated in the driveway and Raed Sahouri reportedly called 911 after he failed to locate a phone number for her parents. The girl was unresponsive when police arrived at the home and she was taken to a hospital and has since been released. Police are not pursuing charges against any of the teens. Hartland Superintendent Jan Sifferman tells WHMI when they originally investigated the incident last week, there was only one ticket issued against Sahouri's husband and they found no wrong doing on Tracey's part. Sifferman says the district has since re-opened its investigation against her after learning that both were ticketed. (JM)

    Imagine that, just two charges of misdemeanor "party hosting" tickets were issued all while a 16-year-old female was so blitzed that she was carted off to a hospital.  F#@%ing amazing.  Nah, no public sector unionized bruthas and sistas lookin' out for each other going here... move along.  Nothing to see.

    Oh, I just gotta see who these folk are.

    I'm shocked! Tracey, Principal of Creekside Elementary just reeks of LibTard.  It's the hair and 70s garb if ya ask me.  And Tracey's hubby, Raed, well, I'm sure that I'd not be 'nuanced' enough to dig his drift over at Gummint Motors either.  That bid'ness was an Affirmative Action hell hole way before Barry Obysmal took it over, I can only imagine now.

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