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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Breivik is an insult to the Crusader's (none / 0) (#24)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jul 27, 2011 at 10:01:17 AM EST
    Just like this assclown is an insult to those on the Right in America.  Frankly, that is exactly where the MI-GOP has zero leadership when it doesn't publicly respond to some loose cannon in the press touting has-been rink rat's as excuse for the Party's vacuum.

    'Diversity' is a corporate world buzz word or code for a house divided.  It's Affirmative Action.  Pat's use of multiculturalism is more accurate, and when it comes to islam, the unholy words scribed by a pirating pedophile muHAMmed and his fifth column problem drone followers, it is spot on correct.  Musloids.  All of them.  A 'moderate muslim'?  It's one that doesn't practice islam.  Ya, find me a 'moderate muslim' and I'll buy it from you to put next to the unicorn in my garage.

    Matter of fact, the only thing worse, or more dangerous to western society than a musloid is those among us that kiss the musloid ass.  Yep, any venture capitalist thing for a buck.  No principles.  Musloid dominated AACoC Oil money is where the Nerd is really scratching.  Two-penny Jenny's Dow Chemical.  Oh, and this thing... I'm so shocked.  Elected class prostitution.

    Bottom line.  The Crusade was a necessary plan as was Tommy J's First Barbary War.

    I'm sure Jefferson is spinning in his grave.

    All said, it is blatantly obvious that the reinstatement of the achieved goal #34 (Committee deceased 1975) is needed.


    • Great Videos by JGillman, 07/27/2011 10:32:53 AM EST (none / 0)

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