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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I see three things that need to be done right now. (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Fri Jul 29, 2011 at 06:44:21 AM EST
    First: Fire Boehner! This sniveling, gutless coward isn't solving any problems, he's abetting them. Proposing $900-billion in new debt, while simultaneously "promising" $917-billion in unspecified cuts over a decade.

    Oh boy! Where does someone sign?

    What do we need democrats for with republicans like this?

    Second, I don't know if this has a name attached to it, but Hannity put out a great idea the past few nights. Lock in the budget at its current level. No increases whatsoever (they cited "extenuating circumstances" -  i.e. war, disaster...the usual wiggle room to allow them an out). Then reduce spending by 1% every subsequent year.

    Myself personally, I'd rather see them stick to their promise and require Constitutional Authority for all appropriations (that pesky page 33 again). If you try one of the many "calculators" out there, the federal budget is easily balanced with room to spare, when this is actually utilized.

    Whether you like him or not, Rep. Paul described this situation the best,"If debt is the problem, then why do you want more of it?"

    Third, get ready to combat the massive spin by the MSM when August 2 comes and goes w/o anything in place and Pres. B.O. continues putting Cloward-Piven into practice.

    When that day passes, it will be like a massive wet dream for the Obama Zombies masquerading as journalists (a tingle up their leg doesn't even begin to describe it), when they parade everyone with a "-d" after their name on TV next to people who were affected by the gov't spigot being turned off.

    Woe to the person who cannot continue their shrimp farm, cowboy poetry, rebuilding of Mosques in foreign countries or directly aiding the Taliban without federal money.

    There have been not one. Not two. Not three. Not four. But five plans put out there (counting the one that got pulled last night), and all of them shot down. While simultaneously, Pres. B.O. & Co. will kvetch and moan about the lack of proposals to be considered. The speaking points better be ready and everyone should be on the same page by Monday, or there will be hell to pay.

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