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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Forcing myself past the headache . . . (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Aug 02, 2011 at 02:41:45 PM EST
    . . . because I really have other projects that I'm supposed to be working on:

    • CD-01 (Benishek-R) aye
    • CD-02 (Huizenga-R) aye
    • CD-03 (Amash-R) nay
    • CD-04 (Camp-R) aye
    • CD-05 (Kildee-D) aye
    • CD-06 (Upton-R) aye
    • CD-07 (Walberg-R) aye
    • CD-08 (Rogers-R) aye
    • CD-09 (Peters-D) nay
    • CD-10 (Miller-R) aye
    • CD-11 (McCotter-R) aye
    • CD-12 (Levin-D) aye
    • CD-13 (Clarke-D) nay
    • CD-14 (Conyers-D) nay
    • CD-15 (Dingell-D) aye

    According to Jeff Amash, my current congressman's brother, "Not having enough money to pay the interest on our country's borrowed money was just "solved" by borrowing more money."  The idiots in the Congress (most especially the "republicans" in the House) who voted to approve this deal just gave Obama a pass by kicking the tough decision down the road until after the 2012 presidential election.  As was said in another article, they had BHO in a corner of his own making, with a solid chance to stop his commie-socialist-progressive agenda cold, and they let him go.

    One of my sports-of-choice when I was on active duty was boxing.  (Even though I haven't been in the squared-circle in many years, I'm still a registered amateur heavyweight.)  A lesson that my very first trainer taught me is that when I have my opponent on the ropes, finish him.  Had House Republican Leadership stuck to their guns on Cut, Cap, and Balance, Obama's complete inability to function as a leader would have been exposed for all the world to see.  The Democrat-controlled Senate's complete failure to pass an actual federal budget for now 825-days-and-counting (plus their insistence on tabling everything that the House passed with regard to the "debt crisis") would have been available as proof-of-point that Harry Reid was the culprit-in-chief who clearly didn't have anything even resembling a plan-of-action for solving this problem except to continue with the business-as-usual status quo.

    And, as Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has already observed, it's just not possible to negotiate with someone who doesn't have a plan:

    Instead, the "compromisers" in Congress (particularly in the House) have just agreed to throw in the towel and put America upside-down on its debt-to-GDP ratio, which hasn't happened since World War Two.  However, unlike then, we aren't in a declared war, and just under half of our stated debt is now foreign-held (with the chief creditor being China):

    As was mentioned in the WaPo article, the Tea Party Caucus in the U.S. House is a major strategic winner in this deal (even though it certainly doesn't feel like it right now).  A few months ago, President Obama was demanding a "clean debt limit increase" and honestly expecting that he'd get exactly what he wanted.  Instead, our national government was forced to have a real debate about America's long-term fiscal stability; and the tea party movement needs to read the very fact that the debate even happened as something that should embolden them for the next fight, even if the compromise falls short of what is required.

    If you want to call me a "terrorist," or a "hobbit," or a "teahadist," or whatever little piece of creative invective you can come up with (because I insist on my government living within its means and adhering to its constitutionally-defined limits), then go for broke and insult away.  The last I checked, name calling is one of the favorite tactics of people who know that they can't win based on evidentiary facts and sound logic.  The fact of the matter is that the Democrat-Socialist Party knows full well that overloading America's financial system is critical to imploding the United States as a nation.  Indefinitely maintaining an unsustainable level of debt is a key operational strategy toward achieving that necessary overload.

    If this morning's Weekly Standard article is correct in that those republicans opposing the "compromise deal" on the record (with their votes) will be barred from the "supercommittee for deficit reduction," then we can effectively kiss good-bye any chance of fiscal sanity being restored to D.C. between now and January 2013.  I don't even want to think about how many more times we can kick the can down the road before some sort of doomsday scenario is actually realized.

    Though the left always seems to insist on applying it only to themselves, and then only when they win, it is true that elections have consequences.  What often isn't said is that it's not only the general elections that have these consequences.  Incumbents who have gone against the express wishes of a critical mass of their constituency one time too many might quickly learn that primaries also have consequences:

    With that in mind, if any of you Conservative Michiganders want to help keep one of us in his congressional seat next year, then I'd like to suggest that you take advantage of this link to donate to Congressman Justin Amash's re-election campaign . . . because of all the republicans in Michigan's Congressional Delegation, he's the only one that has earned it.

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