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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Looking over where the grass is greener (none / 0) (#64)
    by Pogo on Tue Aug 30, 2011 at 04:25:27 AM EST
         There is one seemingly obvious solution, as seen here: http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20110829/ARTICLE/308299997

         Assuming it is the state's business to require children to be educated, paying for it through taxation (and I think that's been in the constitution since Michigan became a state), then vouchers with no strings attached would appear to be the ultimate solution to local community apathy (or if you like, non-middle class values). Those parents with an interest in their child's future are free to direct it toward the most promising institution. In the Indiana case, the implication was that vouchers weren't universally available, but limited by income levels. Still, much better than Michigan.
         I recall reading a while back that public polling showed that around 75% of the state was opposed to school vouchers. Is this based on fear of religion, or something else? Why are religious schools the vast majority of successful private schools? (In the Indiana story, at least.) Given that generations of Michigan ghetto residents (of all colors) have kept the current situation in place for decades, how bad would it have to get before they were willing to vote for vouchers? (For residents of happy suburban districts, the resultant cost in taxes just to pay for sufficient jails is a substantial part of the budget.) Is it just the unions blocking this, or something more universal in public opinion?

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