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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Blaming the medicine for the disease? (none / 0) (#78)
    by Pogo on Wed Aug 31, 2011 at 08:26:07 AM EST
         That article started out claiming to show something wrong with vouchers, and then devoted the entirety to saying government required (and certified) education was wrong. (Good luck making that argument to the Michigan public.) I couldn't find any logical argument against vouchers, per se. The criticism seems to be a religion based argument that government cannot have any involvement in education, therefore any attempt to improve the system is inherently wrong.  Quote:

     "Here is the crucial question: Who is responsible before God for the education of children, their parents or the state? I contend that it is the parents. I therefore reject educational vouchers on principle. But more to the point, I reject them even as a transitional tactic, for vouchers will reduce the freedom of sectarian parents to choose by reducing the supply of sellers who will supply sectarian education. "

        While I'd be happy to end government mandates of a lot of things, education included (sure would cut down my property tax), I don't realistically expect that to happen in my lifetime. If one accepts the premise that government can require children to get some kind of education, and tax the public to pay for it, wouldn't universal vouchers provide parents the maximum freedom of choice?


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