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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    To be perfectly honest (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Fri Sep 09, 2011 at 09:52:37 AM EST
    ...I love your last suggestion.

    But politically speaking, it will be next to impossible to get implemented. Especially given our current governor.

    You're also running afoul of Article VIII § 2 .

    I once agreed with an unlimited approach to financial credit (vouchers), until I was invited into some local schools to see first-hand the type of student the money-centered approach brought with it.

    Local control definitely comes into play when the teachers and school administration cannot control students who have not previously been under any type of control whatsoever.

    I highly recommend that anyone who feels any differently to come on down to districts like Fitzgerald, Van Dyke, East Detroit or Lakeshore.

    If you do, make your visit as low key as possible. Ideally, try to find a parent you can shadow for some time and walk around with them, especially during lunch, recess and when school lets out for the day.

    If you visit them in any official capacity, I can guarantee that you'll skew what you observe.

    After that, then tell me what you think.

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