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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A couple of key facts . . . (none / 0) (#6)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Feb 21, 2012 at 05:37:42 PM EST
    . . . to point out:

    First, McCotter uses the term "orchestrated convention" instead of "brokered convention."  I can tell you right now, that those two terms are not the same thing and are definitely not interchangeable.

    I defined a "brokered convention" in this article as simply being a convention in which none of the official candidates arrive at convention with a committed majority of the available delegates.  In and of itself, as I also explained in that article, a brokered convention is nothing to fear.  What McCotter seems to be doing (perhaps not intentionally) is to use progressivist tactics to newspeak us into believing that a brokered convention is necessarily a bad thing - because who knows what the masters behind the curtain in the smoky back room will attempt to foist upon us.

    Depending on how Michigan, Arizona, and Washington State break, by the time the dust settles on Super Tuesday (including Massachusetts, Georgia, and Ohio), WMR may find himself all of a sudden in third place.  This now-very-real possibility has the blueblood elites so afraid of a coronation train derailment that they are doing everything in their power to screw over the grassroots in every single Super Tuesday state that is likely to go "not Romney."

    Apparently the story has now begun circulating that an orchestrated-brokered convention will by necessity foist upon us a candidate other than the four who have endured the rigors of the campaign trail from the Iowa Caucus through the Nebraska Convention.  And so in order to avoid that scenario we must all unite behind Romney as quickly as possible so that he can become our presumptive nominee so that we can focus on the business of beating Obama.  And as is typical with red herring fallacies, that argument smells like a bathtub-sized crock of b****t.

    The truth of the matter is that, the longer this process drags on, the more states and territories that we have to go through before any candidate has a committed majority of the secured delegates, the stronger our ticket should be.  What scares the hell out of the establishment bluebloods is that, eventually, Romney is going to be forced to run on his record . . . and they know what that means.

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