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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nicely done, KRH (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Feb 10, 2012 at 10:29:09 AM EST
    And I completely agree that Willard has a negative campaign issue.  It was nothing but another Willard fantasy for of the gullible thralls willing to believe that he couldn't have any contact with his smear merchants running ROF.

    The fact is that 'ol Willard has decades of his fathers Lefty traits ingrained into him and it shines clearly throughout this election.

    Nice of Willards' papa Jorge to slime then Governor Reagan, eh?  Willard is no different.  Look at who he's surrounded himself with... John 'reach across the aisle' McAmnesty, his YouTube blowhard thug Krispy Kreme Christie,  Trump, and the canker on Conservatism Ann 'you owe me' Coultergeist.  Ya, Ann, I'm sure his Swiss Bank account checks won't bounce for you.  The Rockefeller wing is alive and doing very, very well in the GOP.

    Bottom line is that Willard is now a 64-year-old who ran to the Left of Teddy Kennedy in '94 when Willard was nearing 50.  One thing I've learned over the years is that old farts don't change.  They are what they are.  By age 40 if one hasn't gotten their Conservative roots established it just ain't gonna happen.  Plenty of old hippies roaming around at #Occupy cesspools with their blooming idiot 20something precious snowflake children to see that.

    If anything, the older that most of the Enlightened class of millionaires and billionaires get, the more Liberal they become.  All that one needs to do is look at Gates and Buffett to see that.  It's like they're all trying to fool St. Peter on their life's histories while they've got time alive, but they're only fooling themselves.

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