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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    One of the best (none / 0) (#6)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Mar 09, 2012 at 12:22:02 PM EST
    descriptions of Obama's upbringing I heard was last week. Can't remember who said it. Might have been Mr. Newt. "Obama did not have a typical American upbringing. He had an anti-American upbringing."
    That is pretty much spot on. Everything we see as good about this country he was taught to despise. The strange thing about the left in this country is they always tell us that the things that make this country great are it's largest faults. Yet when asked why they don't leave for someplace that better reflects their beliefs they make excuses for not leaving. North Korea comes to mind. They are equal as hell over there. They are all equally hungry, short, miserable, deprived, uneducated, lacking in health care. But what counts is they are all equal and to the left that is what matters most. Happiness and living a life free from want is not within the template they hold dear. Since no one person can be allowed to be happier then another they all must be miserable. No one should have more then another so they are all hungry and deprived. The left finds it preferrable to find the lowest common denomenator and seek to use that as the mean for everyone. That is the American left and the left as represented by the children of Marx and the followers of the five tenants of Marxism. Including our Dear Leader, Commandante Zero.I can think of no better reason for us to keep fighting to send this fake, phony and poser back to where he came from. He is the single greatest danger to to freedom and liberty that America has faced since World War II, 9/11 and the current terrorist threats. He is the agent within. That is what makes him so dangerous and so damned vile.


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