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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Mr. Brown . . . (none / 0) (#15)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:07:11 AM EST
    . . . on the assumption that's your real name, pay attention.

    If you'll look here, then you'll notice that Dave does explain his past support for the NPVIC (said support, by the way, that was the direct outgrowth of being approached by Saul Anuzis in the first place).  He also explains that, after further review, he realized that this concept is a very bad idea.  Given how Anuzis was pitching the NPVIC, it's easy to see how honest conservatives (such as Agema, Hoogendyk, and Proos) could have been duped into supporting it.

    You may find this a little hard to believe, but it was in fact Anuzis that fired the opening slime salvo in this contest . . . on Palm Sunday . . . targeting both me and my current boss.  I've read every single e-mail that the Agema campaign has sent out, as have several of the regulars here (as they're also on the distribution list), and I can tell you that Dave hasn't gone negative against Saul.  He has, when necessary, directly rebuked Saul's attacks, but has otherwise confined his remarks to what his vision is for the Michigan Republican Party and the positive things he intends to accomplish while in office.

    Look, fella, you're probably new here, but let me clue you in.  We regulars have seen your type before, most recently during the run-up to the August 2010 MIGOP State Convention.  Rather than go on the attack themselves, candidates would recruit surrogates to do the "attack dog" work for them.  Given that Saul Anuzis doesn't have so much as a leg to stand on when it comes to the NPVIC (which is Dave Agema's only weak point), he has to get others to go after Agema on his behalf . . . like pawns on a chessboard.


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