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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It called... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Tue May 22, 2012 at 03:33:19 PM EST
    ...acclimating the citizenry to increasing levels of government control.

    Back in the 60's people walked into an airport, got on an airplane and enjoyed a vacation.

    Today, people flying get either sexually assaulted by perverts and pedophiles or irradiated by a security system that even Big Sis herself won't use before you can even set foot on an airplane.

    You want to drive a bike or ride a motorcycle?

    Why that's too dangerous!

    First you must get licensed. And then purchase mandatory insurance.

    Think we're done? Think again?

    We'll tell you how fast you can drive (gotta protect that environment, you know). 'Sides, those wacky Middle Eastern Shieks cut off our oil. 55 mph for you.

    And don't think about driving without wearing your seatbelt. We'll let you make it a secondary offense first, and then once you see how much $$$ it brings in, you can bump it up to a primary offense.

    Aren't you so glad that we care?

    Cyclists? You're not off of the hook either. Put this brain-bucket on your head.

    There! You look safer already.

    Want to drive professionally for a living?

    Well, back in the day: Here's your keys, there's your truck, don't hit anything and we'll see you at the end of your day.

    Today, gotta get your license, then your health exam, then your testing, and then more testing (oh, and did I mention even more testing).

    When was you last health exam, again?

    Wait, you can't just go out on the road just yet! You've gotta inspect you vehicle (and again, and again and again). Don't forget to document that.

    Then you gotta keep track of all of your time. And documentation for your cargo. And permission to go over the border.

    Oh, and we can stop you any time we want. For no reason whatsoever, just to make sure that you're following our rules.

    Screw any of that up.


    There goes your CSA score.

    Think frog in a pot of water.

    And our benevolent government of "For the people...", is turning up the heat just a little bit more.

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