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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Heh! Joeseph Kennedy. Now, there's a classic... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Feb 22, 2013 at 12:53:10 PM EST
    ...example of the Democrats War on Women in action.  Had Camelot worshipers in the family at one point in time.  It just used to drive them ape every time I brought up that 'ol Joe scrambled his daughter Rosemary's brains at 23 to keep her legs closed.  That demented old bastard just couldn't bear the thought of having their phony blue-blood image tarnished by her being knocked up.  I guess the DNC hadn't thought of females using whistles, or urinating on offending males to stop them back then.

    Ironic that drunken Teddy came along to put the final nail in that miserable old pr!ck Joesph's coffin.  I cannot begin to imagine how many zeros were on the check that Joe wrote to the Kopechne family shutting them up.  There wouldn't have been enough royalty monies from Scotch sales in the Kennedy bank account to stop me from getting a piece of the Floater if Mary Jo were my daughter.

    I dunno... I tried for years getting along with them, but eventually figured out that they just weren't value added, and severed ties.  I really have no use for jealous class envy LibTards around me during get together events, so p!ss on 'em, and their Social(ism) Justice indoctrinated spawn too.  Last I heard from parts that stay in touch with them, they're precious snowflakes are proud campus lizard Occubums.  It's the plantation where they really belong, and deserve.

    Life's short - good riddance to bad rubbish.

    Understandably, YMMV


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