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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Senator Cameron Brown addresses Granholm shutdown scheme

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 21, 2007 at 04:13:13 PM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    Senator Brown sent through the following note and I thought it was worth passing along.  

    Thanks, Senator, for all you're doing to defend Michigan families and to prevent the Governor from shutting down essential services.

    Check out his column below the fold...

    With another week coming to an end without a budget agreement, Michigan is less than 10 days away from the unthinkable, a shutdown of state government.  The effects of even a relatively short shutdown would be devastating in both the near and long term.  School districts and local units of government could go without funds they need to pay teachers, police officers, and firefighters.  Thousands of state workers could go without pay.  And the state could default on millions of dollars worth of bond and loan payments due in October, damaging its credit rating for decades.  These are just a few of the countless devastating ramifications we face should a shutdown occur.  

    In the hopes of avoiding this worst case scenario, the Senate passed contingency legislation earlier this week to ensure that the core functions of state government continue after October 1.  The nonpartisan Senate Fiscal Agency informed legislators that even if a budget agreement is reached at this late date, the time needed to actually pass and implement the bills would go beyond the first of the month.  Therefore, the Senate passed continuation budget bills to ensure that government will be able to function.  Unfortunately, my colleagues across the aisle and Governor Granholm seem unwilling to support such a responsible move.  This puts essential government services at risk regardless of when a budget agreement is reached.  

    As negotiations continue, Senate Republicans continue to insist that meaningful government reform be the centerpiece of the solution.  It is clear that our state's structural deficit cannot be addressed by tax increases alone.  Such a tactic would only be a temporary band-aid for the gaping wound in our state's budget deficit.

    Throughout the year, Senate Republicans have proposed and passed significant reforms to state government that will save hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.  These proposals include the pooling, or bulk purchasing, of public employee benefits, instituting healthy lifestyle incentives for Medicaid recipients, and savings across every state budget, just to name a few.  Again, unfortunately, these attempts at real government reform have all but been ignored by my colleagues across the aisle, who argue that tax increases are the only way to solve this crisis.

    On Sunday night, the Senate will reconvene to consider the options before us in the final week of the fiscal year.  I will continue to advocate for government reforms that will address the state's structural deficit once and for all, coupled with significant spending reductions.  Raising taxes to solve this budget deficit will only kick the can down the road, while further burdening Michigan residents, many of whom are already struggling to make ends meet.  It is my sincere hope that I can report to you next week of a reasonable and responsible solution to this crisis, and of a government shutdown averted.

    < Registration underway as Mackinac Conference prepares to host entire GOP POTUS field | State Waste >

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    We'll see if Senator Brown (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Fri Sep 21, 2007 at 05:31:51 PM EST
    will produce a list of $1.7 billion in cuts to balance the budget without a tax increase.

    The Free Press accurately reported that one of the "reforms" being pushed by Republicans to move teachers to a 401-K style retirement program will actually cost the state more money for the next 10 years. No one from the Republican side has demonstrated where the money to pay for that "reform" will come from.

    • that's wild by moderateme, 09/21/2007 06:04:47 PM EST (none / 0)
    Your responses are becoming (none / 0) (#2)
    by Dutchsma on Fri Sep 21, 2007 at 05:37:31 PM EST
    As redundant as this one:

    Other than to simply state that the state needs a tax hike to cure its economic woes, you have done nothing to prove why the state needs to raise taxes.  I can't afford to put the addition on my house that I want.  Maybe I should tell my boss he has to give me a raise so I can do that.  I can't afford to pay my credit card bill if I buy all the stuff I want.  Maybe my boss should give me the money to pay for these things.

    These are akin to the lame excuses the state has for wanting more money.  You know as well as I do that our employers will just give us more money because we say we need it.  Why should Michigan citizens pay more in taxes just because government says they need it?  They shouldn't.

    Who cares that you haven't seen the $1.7 billion in cuts that you continue to demand.  You haven't provided one good reason to give government $1.7 billion in new revenue.  Simply saying public schools, universities, Medicaid, etc. need it isn't enough.  Tell us WHY they need it.  Prove to us that the money they are currently receiving is being well spent.  That there is no wasteful spending happening.

    Until you can show this, I don't think anyone here is obligated to produce more than you have already seen - which is far more than you have done to justify your desire for a tax increase.

    wasteful spending (none / 0) (#4)
    by moderateme on Fri Sep 21, 2007 at 06:07:24 PM EST
    You mean like the House passed DCH budget with a 4% raise for employees ($26 mil) along with cutting the vaccination program?

    Or paying $250 for corrections supervisors to get their dry cleaning paid for?  (Incidently, this year's House corrections budget calls for more than doubling it.)

    more.... (none / 0) (#5)
    by moderateme on Fri Sep 21, 2007 at 06:10:23 PM EST
    How about budgeting to hire almost 500 new corrections officer ($37 mil) despite the fact that prisoners are being double-bunked and closing sentencing loopholes could result in the release of over 4000 non-violent (most drug offenses from the 70s & 80s) inmates?

    How about the fact that you can work as little as one day per week in a Sec of State branch office and receive full benefits via the UAW contract?

    or this (none / 0) (#6)
    by mipt on Fri Sep 21, 2007 at 07:59:41 PM EST
    How about all the school administrators who are retired and being paid as contract employees.
    Oh yeah, this is saving the districts money.
    There is something wrong with a system that uses double paying an employee as a cost savings.

    Why Fear the Shutdown? (none / 0) (#7)
    by jrfoleyjr on Sat Sep 22, 2007 at 06:32:43 AM EST
    Any time we can get government out of our lives for a few minutes should be a cause for celebration.

    All I hear is wailing and moaning, "Oh Woe is us, our god, the government, is abandoning us and closing for a few days so I cant buy lottery ticket. Our golden calf is crumbling!"

    Naturally, any big government tax and spend governor will close the most visible, popular, and then necessary services first to force a tax increase as a punitive whip. We can roll with it and instead enjoy the time as a tax savings from a government that can do us no harm because it is closed! C'mon, lets be POSITIVE about this and have a "Government is closed celebration"! Maybe people will realize how little the Granholm is really doing for us. We might save a bundle from not having to pay for her overseas junkets.

    That's a good reason for a (none / 0) (#8)
    by snoopygirlmi on Sat Sep 22, 2007 at 11:32:38 AM EST

    The power our fathers and grandfathers gave to the government needs to be taken back!  

    Government choice isn't a choice at all.  

    Painfully Obvious (none / 0) (#9)
    by Brokeinmacomb on Sun Sep 23, 2007 at 10:54:06 AM EST
    More of the same, but served on a different plate. Its so Painfully obvious the government of the state of Michigan has grown...EXPLODED beyond its means and need to be restructured.

    Its painfully Obsolete. We pay you to do a job. If I displayed this ethic at my employer now, I would be fired. YOU ALL FAIL.

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