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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Yeah, yeah, the Dem's arrows will blot out the sun-- Time to fight in the shade

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 31, 2008 at 07:09:08 AM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    Even the most casual student of history now knows the story of King Leonidas and the battle of Thermopylae, thanks to 300, a pretty brilliant comic book and the film it inspired.  Three-hundred men, standing alone against the Persian horde, battling not just for life and limb but for a way of life and what was, then, the pinnacle of societal freedom.  

    They were outnumbered a bajillion to one.  Fighting in the shade because the enemy arrows were so numerous they would, famously, blot out the sun.  One mission and one hope and one focus... strike where they could, hold while possible and buy as much time as they could manage.

    History and legend remember those few men as heroes.  I wonder, sometimes, what our biographers might say should we one day warrant a re-telling.  Of course, the trick of that is, you've got to do something worth remembering.

    We're about four and a half days away from the close of the polls here in Michigan.  The Persian horde is closing in around us.  Polls are ugly.  There's little doubt about our broader fate in many races nationally and even in some races here at home but there are still dozens of contests worth fighting for, tooth and nail.  Races and competitions where our collective input can shift the balance and make the difference.  Ultimately it's a question of perspective.

    We've all got two choices right now... stare into the belly of that dark, lumbering beast and despair or look inside ourselves and find the strength to fight on for another half a week.  

    Somewhere in your neighborhood there's a race that matters.  Maybe it's  your state Rep race.  Get involved.  Maybe it's a city council race.  Go door-to-door.  Maybe it's a county clerk or a treasurer.  Make the difference.  Or, if you're looking to play in the big leagues, there are four big races where your help this last weekend and a day could very well determine the outcome.

    Read on for ways to get involved down the home stretch.

    Tim Walberg v Mark  Schauer

    We've often called Mark Schauer "the liar" and he keeps proving us right.  Whether it's pledging to voters in his state Senate district that he would NOT run for Congress and then running for Congress or asking other folks to lie for him, the man's integrity wouldn't stretch from here to the next room.

    The Adrian Daily Telegram reports this morning that in his latest television advertisement Schauer hired actors and already-employed campaign supporters to claim, on camera, that they are unemployed.

    Mark, this is Michigan.  You taxed the heck out of job makers and moms and dads last year.  There are a LOT of unemployed people in your district.  Why not pay THEM to appear in your television commercials since they're, you know, actually unemployed?

    Interestingly, it was a blogger who outed Schauer on the whole scheme.  A blogger who was in the room, on the set and in front of the cameras that day... bragging. Of course he's since yanked the post from his website, realizing he'd exposed his favorite liberal for the lying skeeze that he is, but it was too late.  We're onto the whole jig now and there are saved copies of the webpage to prove it.

    This race is still neck and neck.  Do you live in or around the 7th Congressional District?  Are you going to volunteer or help the Congressman get one more TV ad up on the air?

    Joe Knollenberg v Yoooooouuuuur Lottery Commissioner v Doctor Death

    The Ivory Tower even reports this morning that Gary Peters and his people are lying liars and that the truth is not in them.  Rarely has Democratic campaign deceit been better exemplified than in an ad up and running that claims Knollenberg has "one of the worst records on animal cruelty in the country." (He gets the same "score" from the national humane society as neighboring Congressman John Dingell, a hyper-liberal Democrat.)

    How do they back that claim?  Knollenberg didn't co-sponsor enough special interest legislation.

    Seriously?  That amounts to animal cruelty?  Hey, Gary, you haven't cosponsored ANY animal protection stuff in DC these past few years.  Let me guess, you spend your weekends driving around Mount Pleasant stuffing puppies in plastic bags then dropping them out the window of your moving car?

    Still, despite Peters desperation and nut-job hyperbole, this race is close.  Do you care?  Are you in or around the 9th Congressional District?  Are you going to volunteer or help Congressman Knollenberg get one last appeal up on television?

    Cliff Taylor v That crazy Democrat no one's ever heard of

    A poll released last night shows Diane Hathaway leading this race with 20% of the vote.  Not BY 20%.  WITH 20%.  There's a 57 some odd percent who claim still to be undecided.  That's because this is a non-partisan, down ballot race and no one knows who the heck Diane Hathaway is.  Ask the Democrats.  Even they can't tell you, as evidenced by their million dollar campaign effort (that Stryker money's got to be spent on something) they've got going that's EXCLUSIVELY negative.  So negative, and so full of lies (notice a theme developing here?) that TV stations have even refused to air one of their advertisements.

    I don't have to tell anyone reading this blog how important this race is and how devastating a loss would be.  But here we are, with four and a half days to go, and there's work still to be done.  

    This is a statewide race.  No excuses.  This weekend are you going to volunteer to walk your neighborhood or scratch a check to help combat the liberals' lies?

    Mad scientists v babies

    Of course there are a couple of ballot proposals floating around out there too and that same poll that shows Hathaway with the support of a staggering 20% of the electorate also shows Prop 2 leading by 2 points.  That's well within the margin of error but it speaks to the fact that this issue is close.

    We've discussed it and we've dissected it (if the mad scientists will forgive my use of that term) and we've put it back together again (something the mad scientists CAN'T do after they kill a living human embryo) and now it's on each and every one of us to get things done over the weekend.

    Are you a church goer?  Have you spoken to your Sunday school class about the issue?  Have you asked your pastor to address it from the pulpit?  (If you're a Catholic I have every confidence your priest already has.)

    Have you walked your neighborhood and talked to your friends and family members and explained the complexities of the issue?  Have you helped them cut through the "bull?"

    If you've watched any TV this last month you know one thing, whoever MiCause has doing their ads is beating the pants off the opposition's firm, Joe Slade White (in New York).  Will you help make a little more air time possible?

    No excuses.  Time's running short.  

    I've often recounted one of my favorite John Elway interviews, where he told his questioner that despite three bad, lopsided, painful Super Bowl losses he most wanted to be remembered as a guy who gave sixty minutes and left everything out on the field.  As a guy who did his part to the best of HIS ability, whatever that ability was.  That hopefully in the end his effort would pay off.

    I don't know about you but I plan on leaving everything out on that field these next four days.  You're welcome to join me.

    < Experts now say "$100,000" B.O. tax break | Halloween in the Sphere, October 31 >

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    making it a little more contemporary (none / 0) (#1)
    by goppartyreptile on Fri Oct 31, 2008 at 08:05:47 AM EST
    I think our biggest problem in the GOP is that we don't know how to fight.  The last two years, at the State House, the Congress, everywhere, our actions should've been dictated by one quote:

    "They've got us surrounded, the poor bastards"


    Doing (none / 0) (#5)
    by apackof2 on Fri Oct 31, 2008 at 10:06:11 AM EST
     door-to-door lit drops for McCain/Palin and local candidates

    I had the opportunity to speak with one guy, a "undecided" a hunter, and had no idea of Barry's position on gun control. Sooo of course I filled him in. Maybe I added one to the ranks of
    McCain voters?

    Does carving my pumkin with the GOP elephant and dressing up as Sarah Palin (older sister, LOL) tonight passing out candy with  McCain/Palin yard signs right by my door for a "treat" for the parents count?

    Exactly how many (none / 0) (#6)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Oct 31, 2008 at 10:58:58 AM EST
    Is a bajillion? How many zeros would that be? Is it more then a bazillion?

    What I'm Doing (none / 0) (#8)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Fri Oct 31, 2008 at 08:25:58 PM EST

    I'm busting my rump here at KCRC Headquarters in Grand Rapids, as I have been for about a month or so now.  (Though I do grant that the intensity and pace has picked up during the 96-hour push.)  I can tell you with a considerable amount of certainty that no one here is acting like this is over; indeed the contrary, this place is packed with volunteers determined to leave everything on the field and kick some Obama-Nazi butt while they're at it.

    For my part, I'm busy:

    • Phone-banking like a madman for Michigan Veterans for McCain

    • Literature and yard-sign drops

    • Random administrative-grunt work

    • Mutual support and encouragement

    I'm the guy who consistently has his J-Mac paraphernalia out in the open where everyone can see it, and screw the neighborhood.  More than once (per day) in the past two weeks I've had people come up to me - at work, at home, at the mall - and discreetly whisper their gratitude for my taking the heat so they don't have to.  That tells me more than any MSM poll.  See, what I see from just behind the front line is that this isn't an Obama landslide by any stretch of the imagination - hell, this just might be the Right landslide (with appropriate coattails).

    For starters, That One wouldn't bother with a 30-minute prime-time infomercial (from which he got no effective bounce), if he didn't need to put his entire message out one more time.  His media goon squad wouldn't be going roto-rooter on McCain, Palin, Joe the Plumber, et al, if they weren't desperate to publicly discredit those who have exposed Obama's socialism on the record.  That same media team wouldn't (with MSM compliance) be protecting BHO's six like a Chinese firewall, if they weren't concerned about a campaign-destroying October Surprise.  The Obama Victory Tour wouldn't be vacuuming up untraceable overseas campaign donations, if they weren't desperate to buy up any media time/space they could get their hands on.

    In other words, the Dems, Barry-O, and their allies (legal, media, and otherwise) are desperate and scared.  The most reliable polling out there has this race as a dead heat - in every single battleground state.  Why?  Because talk radio, internet journalism (including us), phone-banking, door-to-door lit drops, and good old-fashioned word-of-mouth is derailing the coronation train.

    I've got plenty of legitimate griping to do - but every last syllable of it will wait until the morning of the sixth, if I voice it at all.  For now, general quarters, man your battle stations, all hands on deck.  Let's go sink the O-Bismarck.

    And with that picture in mind, let me draw on one of my personal heroes for an appropriate illustration:

    On September 23rd, 1779, a joint American-French naval squadron engaged a British convoy off the coast of Flamborough Head, east of Yorkshire, at about 7:00 pm.  A little over an hour later, observing the American flagship to be burning and sinking, Captain Richard Pearson (HMS Serapis) inquired, "Have you struck?  Do you call for quarter?"  To which Captain John Paul Jones replied, "I have not yet begun to fight!  I may sink, but I'll be damned if I strike!"

    Three hours later, it was Captain Pearson who was doing the surrendering.

    This is generally considered one of the great "digitus impudicus" moments of naval warfare.

    Likewise, all "conventional wisdom" sources are projecting an Obama and Democrat landslide on Election Day.  I say we invite them all to "see figure one," outwork them, and then bury `em in our own landslide.

    Just my take.

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