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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Republicans must look elsewhere to win

    By dennislennox, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 02:14:03 PM EST
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    With the 2008 election in the history books, it's time for the Republican Party to look abroad at its sister parties to find a map out of the political wilderness.

    While conservatives have lost in America, the center-right is winning elsewhere, the GOP -- and the American conservative movement -- must look at these wins for the ideas and solutions we need to find electoral success in 2010 and 2012.

    In my travels as a representative to our sister parties, I have marveled at the success of conservatives in countries that we often view as left-of-center.

    Canada re-elected its center-right government, under Conservative Party Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in recent weeks and the right is about to knock off the socialist prime minister in New Zealand. In Britain, the Tories are poised to return to power after a transformation under David Cameron's leadership. Republicans can also look to Sweden for ideas from Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt's governing center-right coalition.

    Sure there may be differences in the blend of conservatism in each of these countries, but there are important lessons that must be learned if the Republicans want to return from the wilderness within the next decade.

    Conservatism isn't dead, and the United States is still a center-right country, however, it's a country that wants new ideas. Republicans cannot expect to win by reusing the talking points of 30 years ago.

    Tomorrow's Republican leaders must take our core principles -- the principles of Ronald Reagan -- and apply them to the challenges of the 21st Century.

    As Cameron has said, "Freedom is our mission now, as it always has been. But it is not a mission at all, simply an exercise in nostalgia, unless we apply it to the reality of people's lives today."

    The Republicans have to be able to explain their vision for America in a way that connects with the modern concerns of voters across the country and not just in a few regions.

    < Warning to U.S. Senate Repubs | Change it is >

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    Before you go getting all googley (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 08:21:11 PM EST
    One thing you need to know about the so called Canadian Conservative Party. They are anything but. I have a close freind that is heavily involved in Canadian politics. The Conservatives in Canada are that in name only. If they are to the right of the Socialists they are still close enough to be rubbing shoulders.
    From what I am told the only things that the Conservatives have been willing to preserve is the small amount of gun rights that still remain in Canada. Canada is not the model that I want for America. It is not what I call a totally free Democracy as Mark Stein can attest too. The left wing whackos are still very much in play and the recent loss by the Liberal Party will in the end not change the political landscape one iota. This should be a lesson. When you have two parties that are essentially identical nothing gets done. Nothing changes accept the need for goverment to grow larger and to take more from the one for the betterment of the many. Sound familiar? Political ideology and partisanship are important. I have had enough of this getting along crap. We must win, to win means to govern. To govern is to impose our ideas and will upon the nation.

    The dust hasn't even (none / 0) (#2)
    by apackof2 on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 09:04:36 PM EST
    settled and the "move to the center" pitch


    So (none / 0) (#3)
    by goppartyreptile on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 07:57:27 AM EST
    We need to form a parliament, and have ten of us form an unwieldy coalition with everyone from socialists to Larouchites, give in to them on everything to keep the government going, and call ourselves conservative.

    No thanks.  Got a better idea.  How about we actually fight this war instead of complaining about it and trying to make up excuses about what's wrong with us?

    How about we actually engage our 'enemy', instead of running from them because we have a GOP brand on our backs?

    I agree (none / 0) (#5)
    by apackof2 on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 08:35:18 AM EST
     we are in the offensive position now and they have to give an account

    Let's Roll GOP Conservatives!

    eggs (none / 0) (#6)
    by michiganmav on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 09:02:33 AM EST
    Democrats have hijacked ideals of Republicans and hatched or planted seeds long ago, with aid of the MSM by increasingly moving the line from the left to the center of the publics perception of rights.
    While most major advances in rights have been championed by Republicans.
    The MSM is now comparing President elect Obama's Dream, the greatest thing since the revolutionary war movement.
    Patriots and Conservatism are now equated with Loyalists and Liberalism.
    If I'm not mistaken the Patriots fight was over high taxes and conservative ideals of individualism, rights, free markets and personal responsibility and defending the constitution by rule of law.Genuine Patriots honor God.
    Now they've turned Easter into a celebrated brightly colored egg hunt and its taught in schools that those eggs are brought to you by an evil capitalistic machine that's cruel to the rights of chickens.
    All done in a socially egg-ceptable way by using Allies, doctrine, capabilities and political will... it's a proven recipe, known change the World.
    The American people have had great offenses perpetrated on them in the area of: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor... Truth!
    Barack Obama has campaigned as a centrist and must be held accountable to his polices and promises that have strayed far into the right.
    Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel hasn't been a good egg and has been proven to be a liar even before taking his new position.

    Good eggs rising
    There were a several shinny spots during the campaign that I think may bear the golden egg.
    Young Republicans groups.. allies
    Americans for Prosperity.. capabilities
    Legislators held accountable.. political will
    doctrine... I'll leave that to leadership but serious damage has been done to rights.
    Personal,Intellectual and Property.
    Somehow its socially except able reasoning that its your right is for government to provide everything for you.
    Obama's "transfer technology to the developing world" is unfathomable.
    I understand the need for national security but to see even ONE American citizens property walled out into Mexico because the Border Fence is rediculous... "tear down that wall" if need be.

    There must be a reestablishment with the American people... its a Patriot who fights for Freedom from Taxes, eggs don't grow on trees, if you want the proper chickens that don't easily peck the hand that feeds it and have them faithfully come home to roost they must be nurtured from conception... seeds sown must be tended to, to bear fruit and you can't let the fruit rot on the vine.
    The American people must know its their right to see their money spent wisely.


    Canada's not completely socialist (none / 0) (#10)
    by andrewlawton on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 12:28:15 AM EST
    Being heavily active in the Conservative Party of Canada myself, I can quite comfortably say that even if the Canadian public is not genuinely conservative, our party is, especially when looking at fiscal issues. Our Prime Minister Stephen Harper in his first term made a cut to the national sales tax, paid off 10% of the national debt, tried to overturn Canada's allowance of same sex marriage from the previous government, and this term he has already made cuts to unnecessary arts programs. While Mark Steyn has gone through the loops of the Canadian left, the Canadian Right is still strong and thriving.

    • Yep by Ed Burley, 11/09/2008 11:32:53 AM EST (none / 0)
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