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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Sifting through the rubble

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 07:28:55 AM EST
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    Congratulations everyone.  Yep, congratulations.  You survived the first night of the rest of your lives.  If you're like me, you did it with very little and very troubled sleep, but you're reading this so you haven't started foaming at the mouth or abandoned society just yet.  Good.  Stick with us because we're just getting started.  

    Today we start something special... today we start the comeback tour.  We saw last evening what compromising on our conservative values will reap for Republicans at the ballot box and the message is clear; go back to your roots.  Conservatism wins.  "Moderates?"  Why vote for them when you can vote for a real Democrat.  

    But before we start rebuilding, we're going to have to clear the battlefield of the wounded and repair an awful lot of damage.  Let's survey the field.

    Read on, if you've got the stomach...

    National Races

    Barack Obama is the President-elect and in an electoral college landslide.  This morning he's sitting at 349 electoral votes and they're still waiting on MO and NC.  That ain't good.

    US Congress: Republicans nationally got skunked.  The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is claiming at least fourteen (14) pick-ups and they haven't called all of the close races just yet.  That number will increase by sundown, Wednesday.

    US Senate:  Democrats picked up at least five (5) seats.  Not a single Democratic incumbent lost.  They've now got at least 56 seats.

    Michigan Races

    Congress: Republicans lost both battleground races.

    Tim Walberg looked good at midnight but when the final precincts came in they gave the race to tax-hiker extraordinaire Mark Schauer.  

    Joe Knollenberg conceded much earlier in the evening to CMU professor Gary Peters.

    Supreme Court: One seat up for grabs and the Democrats snatched it up far easily than anyone anticipated.  Cliff Taylor lost to thirteenth tier Dem candidate Diane Hathaway, and by an ugly margin.

    Proposal 2:  Prop 2 won.  Prop 1 did too, by the way.  Here in Michigan we can now carry on a conversation with our Democratic congressman while we smoke pot and kill babies.

    State House:  Republicans lost nine (9) state House races.  That's actually pretty GOOD news.  Could have been worse.  But here's the damage.

    District 1, Treder-Lang - LOSS

    District 21, LaJoy - LOSS

    District 24, Brandenburg - LOSS

    District 32, Accavitti - LOSS

    District 39, Peterman - LOSS

    District 62, Moore - LOSS

    District 70, Ginster - LOSS

    District 101, Franz - LOSS

    District 108, Falcon - LOSS

    Also worth noting, Andy Dillon defeated the recall campaign against him and then defeated Sandra Eggers.  He'll be the Speaker again in 2009.

    Education Boards:  The Democrats swept the education posts.  They won them all.  No exceptions.  Glad I'm not paying tuition today.

    Big County Races: Oakland County saw the loss of the Republican Treasurer and the Republican Prosecutor.  Clerk and former Lieutenant Governor nominee Ruth Johnson is locked still, this morning, in a tight battle with her Democratic challenger.  RJ is up a few hundred votes right now but they're still working through returns.

    The Republican Drain Commissioner is in a similar situation but on the flip-side.  He's down a handful as they finish counting.

    Did I mention these results were ugly?

    I'm reminded of the opening scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  A young Indy finds grave-robbers looting a dig site and does his best to rescue the "Cross of Coronado," a beautiful, priceless religious relic.  Of course the bad guys see him and a chase ensues.  Across the landscape, through a circus train, on foot, horseback and rail, pursued the entire way by a gang of blood-thirsty thugs.

    In the end, the villains find themselves a corrupt constable to come and enforce his own version of the law, taking the artifact from Indiana Jones and giving it to his enemies.  At that point the ring-leader looks at the angry young man and puts a brown fedora on his head, uttering the iconic words; "You lost today kid, but it doesn't mean you have to like it."

    Indy gets the cross back, by the way, but only years later.  Seems an appropriate analogy this morning.

    < The decider | And now, for the good news... >

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    as Aaaaanold would say (none / 0) (#1)
    by blf80 on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 08:42:59 AM EST
    I'll (We'll) be back..........

    No your wrong. (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 08:43:34 AM EST
    I am disgusted with my fellow citizens. That so many people are that stupid and gullable says alot about the success of the Liberal Marxist indocrination of our society via the schools. This country will be ruined.
    I just can't believe that so many people are so ignorant to believe the false promises and lies told by Democrats during this campaign.
    It won't be long and many will ask themselves what were they were thinking. What the hell did they do. As far as this Conservative is concerned the GOP can go straight to hell. I am fed up and finished with them and their excuses for not having the guts to fight for what they think is right. The Republican Party will cease to exist in less then four years. They are now irrelevant. Soon they will be defunct. Hopefully.
    We had the supreme opportunity to defeat the worst Congress in the history of the Republic. A 9% approval rating should have spelled doom for the Democrats. Instead they increased their majorites. How? Stupidity.
    The state of Michigan is a disaster thanks to Granholm and the Democrats yet they won more seats and held others. How? Stupidity. As far as I am concerned the voting age should be raised to 30. By that time a person has kids and maybe a home and really something to lose. Instead of treating an election like a damn sleep over or a pizza party. I am just fed up with this state and now this country. What they have voted for they will probably get. They better remember that when their jobs and their rights disappear under this Marxist regime.

    Voted Away... (none / 0) (#3)
    by WadeHM on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 11:31:21 AM EST
    ...morality and a whole lot more. For Obama it really wasn't the issues that cost McCain, it was color. Record numbers of blacks voted and 95% of them voted Obama. So how can it NOT be about race. Jesse Jackson was crying, looked like a baby.

    Am I upset? YES. But I am not done with my party, I am not going to quit this fight. Republicans didn't lose by not fighting, we lost because the MSM lied to get Obama elected and Obama lied to get elected and people bought into the lies, or completely dismissed any truth about him and voted for him simply because he is black.

    We will have change, and when our taxes go up and we lose our rights and our jobs, hopefully people won't be stupid enough after four years to see that they voted for Marxism/Communism.

    But remember the other numbers. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 04:56:00 PM EST
    Blacks may have voted 95% for Obama but they make up only 12% of the population. The Republicans ran a lousy awful campaign. They sucked across the board and now we all are going to pay for it. This is the threshold of disaster and we will see the Constitution destroyed and used for toilet paper by these people. Mark my words. I have seen this crap before in the Carter years. Nothing about this guy or his proposals is new. They are the same tired Socialist ideas they have peddled for 40 years or more. His idea about a second Bill of Rights was originally proposed by FDR in 1936. Nothing new just nanny state socialism. But the Republicans need to clean house and I mean all the RINO's and the weak kneed panty waists need to be shown the door. The only thing that will save this party is Conservatism. It never goes out of style.

    The Election in a Nutshell and Our Response (none / 0) (#5)
    by apackof2 on Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 09:11:54 PM EST
    Race+Economy(what can my government do for me)+new voters (young and naive about life and usually vote straight ticket)+liberal white guilt+Bush Hater Syndrome+GOP Candidate who WAS NOT Conservative (think Reagan)+just plan ignorant+so called "christians" who had idols (race, economy other issues)a head of the Lord and his will (abortion & homosexuality IS sin+group think=Obama in 08

    However, lets look at some of the victories.

    In California no less, approved a ban on gay marriage.Voters in Arizona and Florida also approved a ban on gay marriage.

    Also in California, Proposition 4-Minor Abortion
    which was a Parental notification if a minor wants an abortion, Passed

    And Proposition 7 (which is really Obama's energy plan) plan also defeated by 72%!

    Proposition 7, which would have required that California's electric utilities get half of their power from renewable sources by 2025 (the current requirement is 20 percent by the end of 2010), was easily defeated with 65 percent of voters casting ballots against the measure which included an unusual alliance of environmentalists and public utilities, which are not covered by current requirements but would be folded into the new mandates argued that, as drafted, the initiative would have driven up electricity rates,( ya mean like bankrupting coal power plants?) stalled the state's already steady shift to clean power and strangled small alternative-energy companies.

    So even California environmentalists reject Obama's "energy" policies

    Bankrupt coal plants and 150 billion for 10 years and we'll be totally free of gas!

    So remember folks, this election IS NOT a repudiation of conservatism.

    Take some time, grieve, be angry and get some well deserved rest

    And stealing from LookingforReagan

    "the Republicans need to clean house and I mean all the RINO's and the weak kneed panty waists need to be shown the door. The only thing that will save this party is Conservatism. It never goes out of style."

    Let's Roll!

    The World According to Me

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