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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Lansing Dems to spend like drunken sailors (while the ship sinks in a storm)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 08:57:54 AM EST
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    The worst is over, right?  The Democrat won, they swept to greater power despite the economic maelstrom continually battering Michigan families and their abject failure to do anything but exacerbate it.  But it's Friday now and we survived that.  We survived the hangover on Wednesday morning.  We survived that first dark day, yesterday, when the world around us seems to go back to business as usual and now we're looking straight into the eyes of a much needed weekend.

    Yeah, about that... better sit down because we've got a little more rough news to weather this morning, and the reaction of Lansing Democrats and the Granholm administration is likely to set that big vain in your forehead throbbing once again.
    Ready?  Seriously, you should sit down.  Take a deep breath.  

    Last warning.  OK...

    The news out of Dana Corp a few days ago wasn't the only bad jobs news Michigan is getting this week.  


    The Detroit News reports this morning on a new report out of Ford that identifies a $129 million third quarter loss and that equates to another staggering round of job cuts.

    The Dearborn automaker said it will cut 10 percent of its North American salaried payroll -- that on top of the 15 percent cut in white-collar jobs it announced earlier this year.

    That's thousands of jobs, by the way.  Thousands.  Think that 6.5% national unemployment rate that just hit the news wires is ugly?  Wait a week until Michigan's numbers explode onto the scene.  Because Ford isn't the only one going through another (almost weekly) round of contraction.  They weren't even the automaker everyone was looking to for job cuts this morning.

    That dubious distinction goes to General Motors, a company that is expected to blow Ford's bad news clean out of the water.  According to the Lansing State Journal:

    GM's announcement comes four days after it reported a 45 percent plunge in U.S. sales, including big drops for locally produced crossovers and Cadillacs.

    "It's going to be a very bad earnings announcement," said David Cole, chairman of the Ann Arbor-based Center for Automotive Research. "It's going to be bad enough to get everyone's attention."

    Now say, for a moment, that all of this is President Bush's fault.  It isn't and it never was, but that's the line so let's follow it to it's logical end a little bit here.  Even if the contraction of the automobile industry falls squarely on the shoulders of a big-spending lame duck President, the brunt of the damage always has been and always will be borne by Michigan workers and Michigan families.

    Imagine, then, that you are the elected leader of the state of Michigan, tasked, more than anything else, with minimizing the damage and leading the state out of her long single-state depression.  With jobs disappearing weekly, and by the thousands, over the course of years one might assume the elected political leaders would do all they could from Lansing to adjust to the new economic reality.  And if they already raised taxes by an earth shattering amount they might look to other methods of balancing various government budgets to reflect the reality of less cash flowing through Lansing.

    The Associated Press checks in with the Democratic administration to see what they're planning in light of additional job losses and projections that indicate the state budget will once again be millions of dollars in the red.

    Pointing to souring consumer confidence and shrinking auto sales, Granholm said she will issue an executive order to cut state spending an unspecified amount by year's end. She will wait to first get new economic forecasts later this month. It was unclear if state cuts will affect K-12 public schools.

    "It's going to be a very, very challenging period," Granholm said.

    Great, so maybe after promising that $1.5 billion in tax hikes would fix the state's problems and watching us fall further and further into debt  she's finally learned her lesson.  Yeah, not so fast.

    Granholm said the state treasurer will set aside $150 million that local banks and credit unions can lend to small businesses during the credit crisis. The state will purchase certificates of deposit at participating banks and credit unions that commit to lending at least 80 percent of the money to Michigan businesses.

    Besides the foreclosure legislation, Granholm's other top lame-duck bills include expanding Detroit's Cobo Center, planning a light-rail line in Detroit and authorizing public-private partnerships, or "Promise Zones," to provide college tuition for students in impoverished areas.

    Asking taxpayers statewide to pay to renovate an eye sore in Detroit.  Great.

    Planning a multi-billion dollar light-rail system in a city whose population continues to dwindle away to nothing.  Perfect.

    Free college tuition.  Awesome.

    Now if I was a college-aged kid living in Detroit and spending my cash on a fancy cell phone instead of payments on an old, reliable car I'd be pretty thrilled right now.  Of course, I put myself through college by working 35 hours a week at the same local grocery store where I slung paper and plastic at sixteen to earn enough cash to spend $100 a month on an 84 Chevy Celebrity.

    But what do I know.  Not much, apparently.  If I'd just moved to the other side of the state and waited a few years the Democrats would have saved me all the trouble and had the government force working moms and dads across the state to do all of my work for me.

    < Friday in the Sphere, November 7 | Taxes, Cold Turkey >

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    Hey folks there is hope and (5.00 / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 09:46:14 AM EST
    There is always Canada. They are actually starting to look pretty damned good in light of what is going to happen to freedom, liberty and the rights of the individual under our new President. Taxes currently there are about the same as here. Maybe a little higher in some cities. But that will change as soon as the Messiah and his minnions begin to seize and redistribute your money to those that have done nothing to help themselves except stand or sit around with their hands out their entire lives. Canada does have it's faults but by the time Obama, Granholm, Dillion, Pelosi and Reid get done it will probably be a real island in the sun by comparison.
    I have a freind that is encouraging me and my wife to pull up stakes and come over. That could very well happen. A safe haven from which to watch the US destroy itself.

    Nick, (none / 0) (#2)
    by MarkMuylaert on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 12:14:10 PM EST
    Could you please not slander drunken sailors like that.  Drunken sailors may spend money like it is going out of style, but it is their money they are spending.  Democrats are drunk with power, but won't spend their money they spend other peoples money.

    Thank you.............

    Some alternatives to Drunken Sailor... (none / 0) (#3)
    by RightMacomb on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 01:28:52 PM EST
    "Spending Like a Drunken Democrat"

    "Spending Like a Drunken Republican"

    "Spending Like a Republican when put in power after 2000 Election"

    "Spending Like a Republican who is acting Like a Democrat"

    • All good. by KG One, 11/08/2008 11:32:44 AM EST (none / 0)
    Some alternatives to Drunken Sailor (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 04:20:05 PM EST
    How about "Spending like Elliot Spitzer in a cat house?"

    I think your losing sight of the message (none / 0) (#8)
    by michiganmav on Sat Nov 08, 2008 at 12:48:23 PM EST
    Stand up. Stand up and fight,"
    "Nothing is inevitable here,"
    "We never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history."

    Like McHugh's blog say's "The people vs. the political/government class" will be the next war.
    Republican politicians must set the example, people like Joe The Plumber must carry the message into battle and I do believe a woman will be the next president... we need to ask Joe's wife, I bet she balances the household funds and reigns in extravagant spending.

    Things that make you go... Hmmm

    Poison pill for Michigan (none / 0) (#10)
    by DeniseW on Mon Nov 10, 2008 at 12:48:42 PM EST
    I can't decide whether we would be worse off with Jenny here in Michigan, doing her thing to prolong our recession, or with her advising our new president on how to bring down the entire country.  So, Michiganders, should we clamor to keep her out of the Obama administration?  Should we swallow this poison pill to protect the rest of the U.S.?  

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