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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Breaking: Reid says bailout doesn't have the votes! Dems letting Michigan die, Levin worthless

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 06:56:54 PM EST
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    Impassioned pleas, prophecies of doom and gloom, promises to work for a dollar... all for naught.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took a break from criticizing the hyguine of the American people this evening to address the Big 3 bailout request he and the rest of the Congressional Democrats have left dangling in the wind for the better part of a month.

    The Ivory Tower:

    The Bush administration and auto-state Republicans and Democrats are pushing instead to take a $25-billion program to help the carmakers produce green vehicles and convert that into emergency loans.

    Reid's response to the loan question from any and every angle?  "I just don't think we have the votes to do that now."

    So there you have it, Michigan.  The Democratic Party says we're on our own and not only aren't they interested in diverting a few bucks from their GIVEAWAY to their special interest pals in the financial sector, they aren't willing to tweak one of their own Congressionally inflicted regulations on the industry to free up the same amount of capitol that way, either.  Its almost like they WANT the Big 3 to disappear.

    Real testiment to Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow's power in the chamber, too, isn't it?

    Personally, I'm shocked.  I figured after Ron Gettelfinger's announcement this afternoon that Big Labor would be willing to "talk" but didn't have a plan and wouldn't commit to any specific concessions we were a lock to get that bridge loan.  Go figure.

    < Big 3 Could save over $125 Million by Eliminating Same-Sex Benefits | Thursday in the Sphere: December 4 >

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    What a mess! (none / 0) (#1)
    by Eric T on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 09:33:52 PM EST
    "they aren't willing to tweak one of their own Congressionally inflicted regulations on the industry to free up the same amount of capitol that way, either.  Its almost like they WANT the Big 3 to disappear."

    Alot of the left are big Toyota Prius fans. It looks like AL Gore's green warriors crusading for Global warming, have more clout than the Union Boys.

    241,883 total auto jobs in Michigan (none / 0) (#2)
    by apackof2 on Thu Dec 04, 2008 at 12:18:56 AM EST

    Interactive map that displays the number of auto jobs across the country.

    Anyone here... (none / 0) (#3)
    by rdww on Thu Dec 04, 2008 at 08:49:12 AM EST
    ... ever really talked with West Coast business folks, VCs, etc. on business matters?  I have.  If "Michigan" ever comes up in conversation at all, it's as a dismissive irrelevency.  California VC's, I've found, view Michigan and its business concerns the way we might view a senile old aunt living in a nursing home somewhere.  We might make an effort to visit her once a year at Christmas time, and that's about it.  Anyway, the congresscritters elected by these folks are now the left coast Dems in charge in Washington.  We're on our own, folks....

    • As it should be. by Jeremy Nielson, 12/04/2008 09:04:13 AM EST (none / 0)
      • I agree by Ed Burley, 12/04/2008 10:51:04 AM EST (none / 0)
    Then the boys and girls need to get some backbone. (none / 0) (#6)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 04, 2008 at 11:59:19 AM EST
    The time is now. Someone and I don't care who needs to introduce an article of secession in the Michigan Legislature. It might not pass but it needs to be debated. Let the US Goverment sweat that one. If we left the union, which by the way has been deemed fully legal in spite of that war that said it wasn't, we would be in a better position. We would own the Sault Locks and could charge fees to pass. We would own all the Federal land in the state that could be used in our best interests. Including drilling for oil. We could get more for the natural gas that is under our state and which we pay higher rates for then the states to the south for that very same Michigan produced NG. We can negociate international treaties with other countries that would allow us to set a system that would be conducive to attract new business to our new country. Right now thanks to the Zarina Puerto Rico is out performing Michigan in job creation and GDP. Then we could export our vehicles to other nations including the US. Seems Congress is more inclined to give foreign cars a better deal then they do their own domestic industry. Really smart when you consider the strategic neccessity of having an industry of that magnitude. Remember Detroit did as much to win WWII as the soldiers in uniform. The tanks, trucks, jeeps, planes were all made in Michigan. Not to mention weapons such as the M-3 Grease Gun Submachine gun and the M-1 carbine that were produced by General Motors Inland Divison. Michigan also had a WACO glider factory in Grand Rapids during the war. Other factories in this state turned out landing matts, barbed wire, ammo boxes and many other supplies and implements of war. Who pratell do the Liberal Socialist think they are going to get this stuff from once the car industry is a distant memory?The Chinese? Our friends in Europe? Please.

    looking for Reagan (none / 0) (#7)
    by Eric T on Thu Dec 04, 2008 at 12:56:40 PM EST
    you said-"Who pratell do the Liberal Socialist think they are going to get this stuff from once the car industry is a distant memory?The Chinese? Our friends in Europe?"

    That is a great question! Would we have to buy tanks, planes, trucks, and guns from the Chinese, if we were at war with them or a country that they support. Remember in Vietnam and Korea, the Chinese supported the North Vietnamese and North Koreans. Jeeps and Humvees and other Big 3 military trucks have been and are still used today by the military.

    This is the problem with all this corporate globalism, Take a look at the Steel plants in Detroit, Rouge Steel has already sold out to Severstal a russian firm, And, from what I've heard Japanese firms have a big stake in U.S Steel. If global unemployment and stability was to spiral downward, and some new wars broke out.
    Would these foreign owned firms do all they could to deny access to these plants, if our government needed to get in there to produce war materials, that might be used against their homeland ? My guess is yes, but it could also harm trade relations with countries if our government had to go in and take over operations to produce war materials, even if it wasn't to be used against their homeland. to try and explain. The U.S gets in a war in somewhere in the Mid east or Africa. It doesn't effect the Japanese or Russians in any way. But because the U.S had to go in and interfere with operations to have military orders put ahead of whatever they were building, we in a sense would ruin their business and they would turn around and sue the government ect...

    To me it only makes sense conserve American Manufacturing and protect American jobs.

    Levin, Levin... (none / 0) (#8)
    by Andrew on Fri Dec 05, 2008 at 01:06:18 AM EST
    Yeah, that's too bad. You would think after 30 years in the Senate Carl Levin would have a little power to get something done! (Not that I approve of the "Bail Out.") Why is Michigan so immune to this guy? Levin is the essence of CHANGE...NOT.
    ~ Andrew

    Really The Dems? (none / 0) (#9)
    by happie on Thu Dec 11, 2008 at 10:45:08 PM EST
    Sorry man but every single new story out there is showing that Southern REPUBLICANS are standing in the way. You know the ones, the ones that have factories for Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Kia, BMW, Mercedes and the other NON-US Auto companies.

    I think that you are really stretching here if you try to make this out as a Dem issue, this is something that is squarly something the South GOP is doing.

    Your lose your creditability.

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