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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    State Senator Mark Schauer's Constituents Still Await Response After Five Months

    By AChildsRight, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 11:21:53 AM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick... not paying attention to our constituents, eh, Minority Leader?)

    Robert and Angela Pedersen are both constituents of State Senator Mark Schauer.  They asked State Senator Mark Schauer four times for his position on Michigan House Bill 4564 (Shared Parenting) and Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008)(Parental Rights).  Both the bill and resolution are state related issues.

    Five months later and they have yet to receive a response!

    You can review a significant portion of their communications with State Senator Schauer's office online.

    Michigan House Bill 4564 is a very popular shared parenting bill.  Polls show Michigan voters support shared parenting with support running as high as 86.50%.  Michigan's antiquated child custody laws affects fathers, mothers, step-parents, grandparents and more importantly our children.  Michigan voters are demanding change because judicial discretion and the "best interest factors" have failed our communities, families, parents and children.  

    There is increasing evidence to suggest that Title IV-D federal incentives affect the outcomes of judicial discretion and child custody evaluations.

    Review this shocking speech given by a former Michigan Friend of the Court Child Custody Evaluator and Enforcement Office.  

    Why has the Michigan Media failed to investigate this?  The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, The Grand Rapids Press, Lansing State Journal, Flint Journal and the Jackson Citizen Patriot have failed to research this shocking and true story.  This whistle blowing occured at the 2007 Family Preservation Festival in Washington, D.C.

    There is overwhelming amounts of research to support the benefits of shared parenting to Michigan's children.

    Shared Parenting legislation has been shown to reduce divorce rates.

    Shared Parenting Facts and Fiction by Dr. Linda Nielsen Professor of Women Studies

    Review the flow of money from the federal government directly to the actual county courthouse that ordered one of the fit and willing parents to only see their child 4-6 days a month.  How Federal Incentives Drive Judicial Discretion in Child Custody Determinations.

    Michigan's families support Michigan House Bill 4564.


    Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008) is an extremely popular Parental Rights Resolution.  80 out of 110 Michigan House Representatives signed on as sponsors to this family friendly resolution.  Carefully review the list of the State Representatives that did not sign on as sponsors to Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008).  All were Michigan Democrats.

    What could possibly be wrong with this family friendly resolution?  We are told that Representative Paul Condino's Judiciary Committee will never allow a vote on Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008)?

    Michigan families have already been forced to assume a massive tax increase led by Michigan Democrats.  The attack on Michigan's families continues - once again family friendly legislation is being ignored, blocked or being held hostage by Michigan Democrats. Voters were told that Michigan Democrats were the party of the average family.  If this is the case they have failed our families and children miserably.

    We can only hope that if State Senator Mark Schauer defeats Congressman Tim Walberg in November that his response time to his constituents will improve.

    < Michigan Dems wave goodbye to moral high ground | What have you got to hide? Besides plans to raise taxes, election results and police reports... >

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    Calhoun County Where Are You? (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by forourchild on Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 02:08:14 PM EST
    This man is obviously a far left liberal who is bought and paid for by the divorce-custody industry operators and the state government employee union. He does not want to address the issues of the family because that would cause his friends to cry about the reduction of cases to handle.

    What could be wrong? (1.00 / 1) (#2)
    by HouseStaffer on Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 12:53:54 PM EST
    You ask what could possibly be wrong with this familiy friendly legislation?

    How about the fact that it circumvents the entire familiy court system!  We elect judges in Michigan be cause we trust them to make decisions like what parent should have custody of the kids after a divorce.  That is not a question that Lansing needs to answer.

    This legislation hasn't moved because there is significant opposition to it on BOTH sides of the aisle.

    • Common Sense by thomaspaine, 03/12/2008 09:41:49 PM EST (none / 0)
    • Judges Decide by forourchild, 03/13/2008 04:21:09 PM EST (none / 0)
    Schauer's Non-response (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Randall Scotti on Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 07:54:13 PM EST

    If both sides of the aisle are against both pieces of legislation than why has there been such great sponsorship for HJR NN 2008?

    Second, your comments smack at the very problem, that judges are equipped to make the so called "best interest of the child" decision. Stop and think about it- Who is better equipped than parents to decide for their children? And, what right does the state have to intrude into children's lives in order to decide for them?

    Third, while I doubt you're a "HouseStaffer", you're playing ignorant to the real agenda behind these bills- Money! Lots of money! The only resistence to these bills in both the judiciary and the legislation is because of the superfunding of Federal tax dollars to the state, exponentially increased with sole custody awards.

    Finally, despite your false inference that you're a "HouseStaffer", certainly you're not a credentialed PhD psychologist. If you were, you would be familiar with your colleagues' vast amount of published literature concerning the overwheming benefit children accrue in having both parents actively raising them!

    Thus, your rhetoric to the published non-response of Rep. Schauer has no validity! Politics aside, he is filibustering his constituents! Politics upfront, he knows the public outcry for our state to stop kidnapping our children in order to fund its coffers! He has not the courage, nor the political capital to express his opinion!

    Title IV-D Baby! Read the law! Be informed, so that you might write an intelligent post next time!

    House Staffer Please Read More Carefully (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by AChildsRight on Wed Mar 12, 2008 at 06:25:20 AM EST
    HouseStaffer on Tue Mar 11, 2008 at 12:53:54 PM EST

    "You ask what could possibly be wrong with this familiy friendly legislation?"  

    The author was referring to Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008)

    "We elect judges in Michigan be cause we trust them to make decisions like what parent should have custody of the kids after a divorce.  That is not a question that Lansing needs to answer."

    Wrong.  Judicial discretion right?  Wasn't it the judicial discretion of the U.S. Supreme Court that voted in favor of slavery?  YEP!

    There would not be a cry for change in our family court systems if Judges were not failing Michigan's families and children.  Did you even read the article on how federal incentives drives judicial discretion?  Research Title IV-D and follow the flow of money right back to the Judge's budget.  Did you even watch this?

    It is sad that so many are blind to this problem, however eventually it will affect your family.  As a father, mother, step-parent or grandparent...and most of all the children.

    Perhaps as a House Staffer you could ask Senator Schauer to respond to his constituents?
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QHZWxOYqRw http://www.daddy.typepad.com

    House Staffer (none / 0) (#5)
    by AChildsRight on Wed Mar 12, 2008 at 06:33:39 AM EST
    One more source to review

    Poll after poll shows Michigan voters support shared parenting.

    Those who oppose HB4564 = law lobby, attorneys, judges, etc.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QHZWxOYqRw http://www.daddy.typepad.com

    Hose Staffer - Advocating Legislating from Bench (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by yearling on Wed Mar 12, 2008 at 08:57:56 AM EST
    House staffer wrote: "How about the fact that it circumvents the entire familiy court system!"

    House Staffer, you're advocating judicial activism, or legislating from the bench.

    This is 100% not true.  HB 5464 does not circumvent the entire family court system.  

    The courts use a 12 point custody system taht the legislature made in the Child Custody Act of 1970.  It is the legislature's job to set state policy with regards to child custody, and the judiciary's job to implement it.

    The legislature can amend their legislation at any time and in any constitutional manner they see fit.  It is the judiciary's job to determine whether the legislature's law is constitutional, and if so, how to implement it.

    HB 5464 simply amends the law so that judges are encouraged to give joint custody if either party asks for it, and there is no clear and convincing evidence that it's not in the best interests of the child.

    Judges STILL must determine when to apply this change, what constitutes clear and convincing evidence, etc, etc.

    The same judge is still in charge of the same cases with the same family laws.  If the law changes, then its because the legislature did its duty, listened to the people, and made the decision that it felt was best.

    House staffer, you're abdicating the proper role of the legislature.

    "We elect judges in Michigan be cause we trust them to make decisions like what parent should have custody of the kids after a divorce.  That is not a question that Lansing needs to answer."

    Exactly!  That's why HB 5464 doesn't say "Little Jimmy goes to his mom.  Little Suzie goes to her dad.  Little Harry is shared by his parents with joint custody."

    Again, House Staffer, the Child Custody Act was created by the legislature.  Its the duty of the LEGISLATURE to amend it.

    In effect, you're advocating that voters demand if they want change, that they have to go to their local judges and say, "Either you legislate from the bench, or we will find someone who will, because the Legislature just won't do its job."

    What you're advocating is exactly the kind of judicial activism that good conservatives so correctly dislike.

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