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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    MSM finally picks up petition story while rampant voter fraud continues

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jun 16, 2008 at 10:28:19 AM EST
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    (Photo: The latest petition being circulated in Michigan by left-wing extremists... or the OED... flip a coin.)

    It took them a week but the MSM is finally discussing the Democrats' twelve-column, fine print, road-map sized petition to gut the Michigan judiciary and centralize state control among fewer, far more powerful bureaucrats.  An attempt at a parking lot rewrite of the State Constitution based on lies, fraud and deception. And a story that broke statewide here on Right Michigan, by the way.  

    The Associated Press comes late to the party but finally raises the question on everyone's minds.  Just who's ponying up the $2 million to get this Oxford English Dictionary sized government centralization effort on the ballot... or fronting what could realistically wind up being $10 million to prop it up through November?  

    Ballot proposal organizers, who aren't required to file a campaign finance report until later this summer, haven't said who's paying their bills or how much money they've raised...

    Stryker says it's not him.  And MDP doesn't have an extra twelve million dollars lying around for a ballot question what with all the cash they're going to be spending to drag Marietta Robinson past the 30% mark in this year's MSC race.  Two or three million laundered through a variety of committees and MDP offshoots?  Sure.  In their best year.  But twelve?  

    We know this thing doesn't have cash rolling in hand over fist from Michigan residents either.  Not only do we tend to like the idea of representative government and responsive, local officials looking out for our local issues in Lansing (a tradition this petition goes to great lengths to kill) but up until last week no one had ever heard of it.  And that apparently includes many of the folks who've already been duped into forking over their John Hancock (more on that in a moment).

    That leaves big-money out of state interests.  The George Soros and MoveOn.org types.  Which when you boil it all down means ultra liberal billionaires and interest groups are likely funding an astroturf effort to eliminate local representation across Michigan while consolidating state control with a few powerful men in Lansing.

    I'm all about reforming Lansing.  Heck, I'm all about drastic change.  But we should be giving the power back to the people, not centralizing it in a city that's already broken.  Smoke filled back rooms just don't cut it anymore.  

    Neither does lying and organized, systematic voter fraud, which brings me back to my earlier point.  Since we first broke the story my email box has been flooded with horror stories.  A lot of folks signed this thing under false pretenses.  The most common circulator lies that keep popping up... it's a petition to prevent a new income tax hike and that it'll stop the legislature from enacting a new pay raise "next week."

    Below you'll find the petition in its entirety.  All twelve columns worth of fine print.  So break out your magnifying glass and riddle me this... where exactly does it discuss a new income tax hike or an imminent legislative pay raise?

    If you've got amazing eye sight... read on...

    Tough to read?  Click HERE for a pdf version you can blow up to your hearts content... or at least to match your prescription.

    < Monday in the Sphere, June 16 | I Lose, Dillon and Tax-Eaters Win >

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    Who's behind this? (none / 0) (#1)
    by MollyB on Tue Jun 17, 2008 at 04:40:14 PM EST
    Rumor has it that the proponents/backers are Mark Brewer and the unions.

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