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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Dingell, Miller barking up wrong tree on Korean trade

    By Hayekian, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 03, 2008 at 09:59:33 PM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick...)

    So, according to a Right Michigan report, John Dingell (and Candace Miller) both agree that South Korea is "screwing" Americans by - selling good quality products to our consumers at fair prices? Er, um, not exactly, the good congress-critters would contend. Channeling Gov. Granholm, they would aver that the trade is unfair, because the Koreans haven't hobbled themselves as much as we have with burdensome tax, regulatory and labor law impediments.

    Lost in all this is the question of whether America and Michigan are actually being out-traded by the Koreans. The figures on that aren't as clear-cut as you might imagine, and the trend is running in our direction.

    Since 2001, the value of Michigan "transportation equipment" (cars and parts) exports to South Korea has increased 163 percent from $56 million to $147 million. Total vehicle exports to South Korea are approaching $1 billion, up from less than $500 million in 2002. (source: TradeStats Express)

    Meanwhile, imports of vehicles from South Korea have been relatively stagnant at around $10 billion since 2004.

    There's a saying among traders in securities markets: "The trend's your friend." The trend here is positive. Blaming South Korea's tiny share of the half-a-trillion dollar U.S. auto market for Michigan's problems is a "dog ate my homework" type of excuse. This real source of this state's economic malaise lies much closer to home, in toxic business climate created by our own political, government and labor establishments.

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