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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Intern's Blog Blows Lid Off Union's "Coup Attempt!"

    By Hayekian, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 02:48:55 PM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick... fancy that... a conservative blogger here in Michigan making major waves! GREAT job and major kudos!)

    (cross-posted from Students for a Free Economy)

    Today Michigan's Mackinac Center for Public Policy made public an incredible document from a union Web site that appears to expose a so-called "Reform Michigan Government Now" ballot initiative sponsored by unions as a blatant attempt at - the document's title tells it all -  "Changing the Rules of Politics in Michigan to Help Democrats."

    This is a major embarrassment for both the United Auto Workers and the other backers of the initiative, including the AFL-CIO and the state Democratic Party, who have argued that the initiative (on which nearly $2 million has already been spent) is just a package of "good government reforms." It may be a bit premature to say, but this exposure of the measure's true purpose could sound it's death knell.

    And it all came about due to the research and a blog post by a "lowly" intern at a free market think tank! Here's the story:


    Jim Vote is a Wayne State University grad student currently serving as a summer intern in the Mackinac Center's Labor Policy Initiative. This year Jim and his fellow Mackinac Center interns started a blog site called "Trying Liberty" in which they express news and views on "the value of liberty." Naturally, many of their posts are informed by the important work these principled and talented young idealists are doing for the nation's premier state-based free market think tank.

    And how! While performing research Jim struck gold regarding the deeply flawed "Reform Michigan Government Now" initiative. RMGN would rewrite vast portions of the Michigan Constitution in ways that unambiguously benefit Democrats. Most notoriously, it would impose a form of "reverse court-packing" to tilt the state Supreme and Appellate Courts in a manner perceived to be more friendly to union and Democratic Party interests. To make it more attractive to the public these changes are packaged with a variety of populist "loss leaders" like lowering legislative salaries and benefits. (More analysis and descriptions of the initiative here.)

    The proposal has been panned as transparently partisan by editorials in the state's leading newspapers, both liberal and conservative. It is transparently partisan, but of course it's proponents claimed that it was just a package of good government measures, and no one could prove that their intentions were something different.

    No one could prove it, that is, until Jim Vote uncovered a shockingly candid Powerpoint posted on the United Auto Workers Region 1-C Web site called "Changing the Rules of Politics in Michigan to Help Democrats." the presentation outlines a series of changes to remove "structural obstacles to Democratic control of state government." The document also includes polling data and details of a $4.9 million budget for passing the initiative, which is described as "less than half the cost of trying to beat an incumbent GOP Supreme Court Justice."

    Jim Vote blogged about this in "Trying Liberty," but several days passed before a closer look at the document revealed its true nature. By then the Powerpoint and any reference to it had been scrubbed from the UAW Web site. Fortunately, the enterprising Mr. Vote had saved screen captures of all 34 slides.

    The reverberations are just beginning to tremble through Michigan's political establishment, and it will be days or weeks before the full impact of this major union gaff can be assessed, but it's safe to say that the RMGN backers are not having a good day!

    < SMOKING GUN on RMGN!!! | McCain and Jocuns (D-Criminal Lawyer) campaigns respond directly to RightMichigan! >

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    Liberal Coup Attempt (none / 0) (#1)
    by forourchild on Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 03:18:11 PM EST
    Maybe now would be a good time for the State Senate to punch out some reforms that the folks can get behind. It is scary to see that this will probably be on the ballot and will be passed since the masses will never know that it is an attempt to steal power.

    Unions (none / 0) (#2)
    by Victor Laszlo on Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 03:50:30 PM EST
    The Unions are not content with screwing up the American Auto Industry.  Now they want to screw up Michigan government.  Why am I not surprised.

    "More shameful politics rarely exposed" (none / 0) (#3)
    by Angry White Male on Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 05:13:50 PM EST
    Stephen Henderson in the Freep on the intern's discovery:

    The slide show is devastating for Democrats. First, it exposes a real spoilsport attitude that makes the party look hopelessly desperate for power that can't be attained at the ballot box. It's a "change the rules so we can win" strategy that is almost child-like, a near admission that the party has no appealing agenda or saleable platforms, just a stark hunger for power to protect its favored interests.

    It also reflects a horribly cynical view of Michigan voters. It assumes they can be easily manipulated with proposals to cut government (which may be true) but then nakedly tries to take advantage of that, for the party's benefit, rather than the citizens'.

    More shameful politics have rarely been exposed in this state.

    Streaking anybody? (none / 0) (#4)
    by live dangerously on Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 07:03:43 PM EST
    Wow.  They were caught with their pants down so low on this one, they might as well be streaking.  How embarassing. Smirk Smirk. rotflmao.
    Regards, LD

    • Skidmark by Victor Laszlo, 07/17/2008 09:52:37 PM EST (none / 0)
    The Slides Violate Campaign Finance Law TOO! (none / 0) (#6)
    by chetly on Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 11:33:55 PM EST
    Here's my analytical contribution.

    The slides, by failing to say "Paid for with Regulation Funds By ...", Violate the Michigan Campaign Finance Act.  They clearly required significant preparation and cost

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

    I'm kinda curious . . . (none / 0) (#7)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Fri Jul 18, 2008 at 10:42:05 PM EST
    . . . as to how long it'll be before this get's front-page, lead-story coverage in the state MSM (or national MSM, for that matter).

    I'll have to do some scrounging . . . (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat Jul 19, 2008 at 08:59:54 AM EST
    . . . but I'll see if I can find it in the Grand Rapids Press this weekend.

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