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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    RightMichigan.com Joins National Press Corps for McCain News Conference

    By RightMacomb, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 13, 2008 at 06:50:37 PM EST
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    Today, RightMichigan.com gets to enter brand new territory.  We were invited to be apart of the local and national press conference with Senator John McCain held in Birmingham today.  Sitting along with national media, such as Fox News's Carl Cameron and Michigan's media such as AP's Kathleen Park Hoffman (but no Tim Skubick), RightMichigan.com was there to directly report with our unique perspective.  This press conference was also covered live on both CNN and Fox News.

    To start, prior to the arrival of John McCain, the room was buzzing with rumors that Cindy McCain had to be taken to the hospital.  Upon Senator and Cindy McCain's arrival, Senator McCain explained that she had aggravated a previous wrist injury when she encountered an overzealous supporter shaking hands at a previous event.  McCain was accompanied to the conference with Senator Joe Liebermann (I-CT) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

    McCain started by responding to the historic events occurring in Georgia.  McCain expressed his support for President Bush's announced position this morning.  McCain agreed with insisting that Russia withdraw all troops that were not in Georgia prior to the conflict and that humanitarian aid must be allowed to be transported without interruption.  However, while McCain welcomed the help of French President Sarkozy and the EU, he was very concerned that the cease fire did not address Georgia's territorial integrity.  McCain believed that a review of the full range of the Russia relationship with NATO and the G8 ought to be done.

    Read On...

    McCain also believed that a NATO membership track for the Ukraine and Georgia should be considered.  With the past nature of their historical relationship with Russia, is it no wonder they want to be considered to become apart of NATO.  Also, McCain announced that Senators Liebermann and Graham will be going to Georgia to assess the situation.

    The press then went on to asking McCain about a comment from an advisor to Obama that McCain comments were aggressive and complicated the situation.  McCain responded, rightfully, calling that neither campaign should politicize this situation.  When confronted with a comment that Senator Liebermann made yesterday that basically made political comparison between the McCain and Obama responses, McCain reiterated his call to not politicize the situation.  

    There were several other questions regarding the current international situation.  Sitting there, I just got this feeling that regardless of what I believed of Senator McCain in the primaries that he deserves our support now.  McCain showed he fully understands the situation and the history of the area.  For years, he has been warning about Putin's ambitions in the region and is being proved to be right.  It did bring back memories of the type of Reaganesque responses that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.  We need now that same type of mentality while dealing with a Russia that yearns to be more like the Soviet Union used to be.

    On to an issue closer to home, McCain was asked if he was aware of any proposals for loan guarantees to any of the domestic automakers.  When McCain had met with the CEO's of the automakers, he stated that they did not request that type of help yet.  Instead, they wanted to succeed in based on their hybrids and future electric vehicles.  He was glad to consider helping the auto companies, but at the moment to predict the doom of the auto industry was premature.

    Next, he was asked to provide a positive vision for the economic future.  McCain repeated his call that we have to keep the taxes low.  We must fix the housing crisis by allowing people to get FHA loans at new, lower home value to avoid foreclosures.  Nuclear energy must be expanded to provide an independent energy source.  Tax credits for new hybrid and electric vehicles must go through to encourage this new technology.  He expressed hope and confidence that he could get spending under control.  McCain again called for a gas tax holiday to provide for some gas pump relief.  He acknowledged that these are tough times in Michigan, and that people would feel a little better if congress went back into session to deal with energy issue instead of taking a 5 week vacation.

    A member of the Scholastic Press Corps (an 11 year old girl) ask the question that since Lieberman was there, was he on the list for VP.  As is McCain's normal response he would not respond to the VP question, but that he was honored that Senator Liebermann was his friend.  McCain then added that Senator Graham came along for the free meals.

    The press conference finished up with questions about Kwame (thanks to Kathy Hoffman of the AP...good job putting our state's 2nd biggest disgrace on the national stage again...two penny Jenny is still the top disgrace in my book).  McCain said he was not following the situation and could not comment.  

    Overall, a very interesting session to sit in and see live.  I was given the task to ask what was McCain's view of the conservative blogosphere and how often does he look at RightMichigan.com, but I was not called on (Sorry Nick, I tried).  But, I did have fun every time someone asked me who I was with.  I proudly responded "I'm with RightMichigan.com."  So Nick, we are becoming part of the national stage.

    < Democrats All About Gimmicks On Energy Debate | Unemployment at 8.5% while MI House Dems enjoy TEN WEEKS paid vacation >

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    The government shouldn't be bailing out anybody.. (none / 0) (#1)
    by jgillmanjr on Wed Aug 13, 2008 at 07:11:04 PM EST
    Not the car companies or the loan companies who made risky loans or the people that bought properties they couldn't afford.

    That's the kind of stuff that had me vote for Ron Paul in the primary.

    Awesome job, RM! (none / 0) (#2)
    by Nick on Wed Aug 13, 2008 at 11:07:37 PM EST
    Thanks for the first-hand take.  Too bad you didn't get a chance to ask the Senator a question yourself!  Would have been awesome to hear him comment on the role of the conservative blogosphere and the new media in this election cycle... maybe next time. :)

    Is it just me or (none / 0) (#3)
    by apackof2 on Wed Aug 13, 2008 at 11:53:15 PM EST
    does it seem McCain doesn't anywhere without his new appendage, Senator Liebermann

    McSame needs Loserman (none / 0) (#4)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Aug 14, 2008 at 12:12:24 AM EST
    to help him answer questions like this:

    "The significant misstep occurred during a news conference in Jordan earlier Tuesday, when the presumptive Republican presidential nominee McCain repeatedly said Iran was supplying al Qaeda. Iran is predominately a Shiite country would not be aiding the Sunni dominated Al-Qaeda. OOPS!

    McCain corrected himself after Sen. Joe Lieberman whispered in his ear.

    "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al Qaeda. I am sorry, I am sorry," the Arizona senator said."

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