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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    RGMN - Getting the Message Right (Part 1)

    By gregmcneilly, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 14, 2008 at 11:14:04 AM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick...)

    This is the first in a three post series.

    The regressive - and politically devious - proposal to radically rewrite Michigan's state constitution is mired in a soap-opera drama.  The background details of the dishonest backers, the legal challenges along with the political future of this attempted constitutional hijacking have has been documented here, here and here.

    But let's look at messaging for the NO vote, should this extremely risky proposal make the ballot.


    By now everyone knows this proposal is an over 19,480 word, sprawling, 7-page small type rewrite of our state constitution.  And this is its chief legal challenge.  It attempts to do too much.  In fact, this is the reason former Michigan Attorney General Frank Kelly cited in noting his opposition.

    But if radical liberals triumph and put their risky proposal before the voters, those who want to protect Michigan's constitution need to be armed with a message.  This is the first in a three part post to recommend effective communication when battling the loons who are attempting to misdirect the public.

    For starters, always note as many of the "proposals" as possible.  This proposal is not simply one or two points.  It is 35 distinctly damaging rewrites to Michigan's constitution.

    Some of these proposals - on their own, have merit - but given the agenda behind this proposal, each point takes on a nefarious impact by masquerading and misdirecting attention from the core aim of this massive deceit.  The sponsors of this proposal force voters to face the reality of this in its entirety.

    Let's dig through most of these proposals one-by-one and cast its messaging in the real-world impact of Michigan politics.  

        Radically damage Michigan's checks-and-balances:

    1)    Creates a divided government and more deadlock, eliminating requirements that gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial nominees run as a team in November elections;

    2)    Destroy the check-and-balance of Michigan's separation of powers by prohibiting state judicial review of redistricting plans;

    3)     Increases the taxpayers' burden, candidate costs and politicization of constitutional offices by eliminating requirements that the Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General candidate be nominated at a party convention;

    4)    Takes away the people's right to reject, amend or repeal by initiative, legislation or referendum redistricting plans;

    5)    Wrecks the separation of powers by banning a Governor from appointing a successor Attorney General or Secretary of State if a vacancy occurs.

    6)    Eliminates legislative initiative.

    7)    Creates a new law enforcement power for the state legislature. (Can you say: Keystone Cops!)

        Limits Freedom of Political Speech and Expression:

    8)    Eliminates the political speech rights of officials by prohibiting elections officials from endorsing candidates or ballot proposals. Clerks, election works and legislators would not be able to put up a yard sign, display a bumper sticker, contribute or support political candidates or issues in their personal (nonofficial) capacity.

    9)    Prohibits citizens from running for public office without disclosing financial disclosure statements for themselves and spouses.  (Let's force union bosses, party chairmen and heads of public utilities to undergo the same invasion of privacy.)

    We'll pick up more in the next post!  What are your recommendations for advocating against this radical proposal?

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    Two thoughts... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Nick on Thu Aug 14, 2008 at 02:00:59 PM EST
    1) Absolutely agree that IF this makes the ballot (and that's still an all-caps IF) it will be absolutely critical that proponents of common sense, checks and balances and representative government (read: Democracy) know the ins and outs of each and every change in the bloody proposal.

    First rule of messaging is "stay on offense."  When Mark Brewer and Diane Byrum and Gaffney and the Big Labor leaders and Jon Stryker and all of the other liberal extremists start rattling off the "honey" it's vital that everyone in ear shot be able to counter by pointing out the arsenic.

    2) In the end, I'm convinced, an effective defense of the constitution will require a quick hitting, consistent and easily summarized attack on the enemy focusing specifically on one or two complaints re: the RMGN takeover attempt.

    Brewer / Stryker et al will be running around screaming "PUNISH THE BUMS IN LANSING." In the time it would take the good guys to respond with a doctoral level thesis covering thirty-six bullet points they'll have screamed "PUNISH THE BUMS IN LANSING" thirty-five more times.  What's unemployed Joe Six Pack in Macomb County going to remember when he goes to the polls on election day, as he passes gas stations with $4.00 a gallon gasoline?

    Now, don't ask me what our counter-strike needs to look / sound like.  I don't know just yet, though I'm bound to become painfully opinionated about it at some point soon.  

    That's why diaries like this one are so critically important.  Going back to my initial point... we need to understand this thing and the potential messaging, paragraph by paragraph.

    Thanks for the breakdown, Greg.  Looking forward to parts 2 and 3.

    how about this? (none / 0) (#2)
    by goppartyreptile on Thu Aug 14, 2008 at 11:59:56 PM EST
    Whether or not it gets on the ballot, we are in danger of losing the politics on this thing.

    Without hanging this around their necks, the dems will come back and attack us on it... if we get it thrown out, then we are protecting our own at the expense of the people, etc.

    The legal side of this is necessary, but so is the political.

    How about an ad highlighting the last page in the power point that clearly states that this proposal is cheaper than taking on an incumbent justice?  That it guarantees a reduction in cost and increases their chances of winning?

    I see an ad where the cartoon "Bill" from School House Rock comes out singing "I'm just a bill, just a lonely old-- hold on... stop the music.  This is the way things work, for now.  But the Democratic Party in Lansing wants to change our entire Constitution so that they don't have to deal with pesky things, like your right to choose your candidates for (the legislature, judge, etc). They even want to take away your right to get proposals you believe in on the ballot for a vote!

    We believe in fair play, fighting for our issues, and healthy competition.  We believe that your vote is sacred, and no matter how you vote, or who you support, your right to be heard is the important thing... the citizens are in charge.

    The Democrats apparently believe that fighting for their beliefs is too hard.

    On November 4th, let's teach the democrats something about democracy."

    That's certainly not perfect, but I think the theme is good.

    The way around this thing is to emphasize that the democrats, the party of the people, are frustrated that they can't get their way... and are just going to force us into it.  

    Remember what Richard Nixon said about Alger Hiss:

    "If the American people knew the truth, they'd boil him in oil."

    If the citizens of MI learn the truth, they'll be warming up the oil too

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