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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Camp pushes energy plan while Democrats vacation for five weeks

    By dennislennox, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 27, 2008 at 11:02:12 PM EST
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    Cross-posted at Dennis Lennox's Diary

    MOUNT PLEASANT -- Taking the message Republicans have been pushing for weeks, Congressman Dave Camp was in town Wednesday to push his plan to tackle the country's energy crisis.

    Camp, who lives in Midland and represents the 4th Congressional District, stood next to Road Commission Chairman Kathie Elliott, R-Shepherd, who shared how the county is struggling to maintain roads when fuel costs continue to soar higher and higher.

    "It's important that we act now -- that we act right away," Camp told a gaggle of reporters and Road Commission employees. "People are adjusting their driving. Their lives are changing."

    The presser comes after Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic House leadership adjourned for a five-week vacation earlier this summer without passing legislation addressing the country's energy challenges by providing relief to families.

    But it's not just families. Schools, sheriffs and road commissions are hurting too.

    "I think it is imperative we do something," Elliott said. "We have fuel costs that are 40 percent more over last year."

    Congress "needs to act now" before home heating prices rise in the winter, Camp said.

    The congressman, who has joined GOP colleagues on the House floor while Democrats take a vacation, says he's for a comprehensive energy package that includes expanded offshore drilling and alternatives like nuclear, wind and solar technologies.

    "This (debate) comes down to how we lessen our reliance on foreign sources," Camp said. "We need to develop our own resources and supplies."

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    Alternatives? (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Aug 28, 2008 at 08:11:40 PM EST
    You mean the alternatives that McCain and McCotter have consistently voted against (when McCain bothers to show up to vote)? There's no support for alternatives among the Republicons in the State Senate unless you believe that "clean" coal (which is a lie) is an alternative fuel. Camp opposes alternative fuels and opposes conservation measures and his lies to the contrary aren't fooling anyone.

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