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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Democrat State Rep Candidate Spinning Out of Control

    By RightMacomb, Section News
    Posted on Sun Aug 03, 2008 at 03:54:19 PM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick...)

    In any political campaign, "spin" happens.  It's a part of the process and always will be.  But, here in Macomb County, there is a candidate that has literally spun herself out of control.

    State Representative candidate Sarah Roberts has gone from a darling of Macomb County Democrat politics to a desperate candidate struggling to survive to the go onto the general election.  And it's all because her own spin on events just got out of control.  This has led to a desperate last ditch effort to save her candidacy.

    In the last few days, Jon Stryker's Coalition for Progress PAC has done mailings and even starting airing commercials on cable to prop up her campaign.  On Friday, the commercials started, and three mailings from Stryker's group appearred in mail boxes.  All three mailings were addressed to only women voters.  I guess If Sarah Roberts can't win an argument on issues, she turns to "Vote for me, I'm a woman."

    Read On...

    This all started with an "anonymous" flier that was mailed out to voters in the district.  The flier had the look that it came from Sarah Roberts herself, proudly declaring that she was for partial birth abortion, gay marriage, and drove a foreign made vehicle.

    She ran to the press crying foul saying they were "outright lies".  The Macomb Daily bit and published her denials of those views.  However, the paper did state in the same article that was reluctant to state her actual positions were on those issue.  In another article in the weekly city paper, the Shores Sentinel, she even stated that her views on those issues were not pertinent to her candidacy.

    Then it all began to unravel.  The Macomb Daily discovered evidence of her true views on the issues of abortion and gay marriage.  Turns out, she really is in favor of abortions, all abortions.  And, she really does want gay marriage to be legal in Michigan.  Oh, and she really did drive a foreign car, the Surbaru Outback, which was sold last summer.  Her explanations for her actions were so terrible that it even led a Macomb Daily columnist to ponder is she had done the "anonymous" mailing herself to gain sympathy with the public.  

    Even a simple question in a candidate questionnaire for the Shores Sentinel is hard for her to answer without trying to spin.  How hard is it to answer "Resident of Municipality for how long?"  Roberts' answer was "My family moved to St Clair Shores when I was 16."  Okay, I believe they were just looking for a number.  But, with a little digging, you find that was spin as well.  She may have lived here back then, but she didn't graduate from high school in St. Clair Shores.  And, as late as April 2006, she was listing an address in Eastpointe (which is not in the district) on campaign finance reports as her address.  Since she is now 33, that's about 17 years unaccounted for.

    One would have to question her judgment during all this.  This past week, she was spotted doing her door-to-door campaigning in one of the most Republican precincts in the district.  Keep in mind; she is facing 7 Democrat primary opponents.  So, why campaign in the most Republican area?  Any good consultant would tell the candidate to go where the votes are.  But, this gets better.  The street she chose to campaign on is where the incumbent Republican Jack Brandenburg lives with his family.  It's also the same street where the lone Republican candidate, Bryan Brandenburg, owns his residence.  Did she really think that she was going to get a lot of votes in a Democratic Primary on that street?

    So, in one last desperate attempt to save her campaign, she went crying to the papers claiming that some of her opponents were not serious candidates.  As if, this position was owed to her.  Well, thanks to this wonderful Granholm economy, there are people looking for work everywhere and maybe they thought being a State Representative would be a good job to have.  The voters will have their say in the Democratic race on August 5th on who they believe deserves the job.  Ms. Roberts, there are no coronations in politics.

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