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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Kwame's B****es

    By Angry White Male, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 08:22:09 PM EST
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    Stephen Henderson in the Freep takes aim at Kwame's enablers in the political establishment, business community, and the general population of the pathetic City of Detroit. The Freep is a family-friendly publication, so while the piece is called, "How long will you be Kwame Kilpatrick's fool?" we can all guess what he really meant by "fool." (Hint: Rhymes with "witch.")

    Some excerpts below, but first, today a friend observed that BAMN has been curiously silent in all this. "You'd think the Trotskyites would be all about exploiting an imploding political system, but - nothing."

    I responded that the "Trotskyites" are hiding in the same closet as Gov. Blownaway. Both are terrified of doing anything that might irritate that substantial portion of the city's population consumed by the destructive psychological condition labeled by author John McWhorter as "therapeutic alienation." In the case of BAMN this group makes up their entire support base, and in Blownaway's case, it's a group she doesn't want to get on the wrong side of.

    And this particular demographic is unsettled as to precisely what and who to adopt rage about and at in this debacle. If the therapeutically alienated can't discover a "narrative" that makes the white establishment responsible somehow, then they and their exploiters will stay on the sidelines as much as possible.

    All of which makes life harder for Blownaway - she's acting with only the greatest reluctance, calculating that doing nothing now costs her more vis a vis the middle class bourgeoisie outside Detroit than with the permanently, pathologically, ineffectually "outraged" within the city.

    Here's some gems from Henderson:

    "In any other American city -- in most banana republics -- half of that would be enough to inspire some kind of populist effort to change leaders.

    "But what have we heard from the other political leadership? Oh, some have spoken out, but most have sat on their hands, taking precautions not to offend the mayor or his allies.

    "The business community, too, has largely taken a pass on leadership, or even self-respect . . . What a docile and sheepish cop-out . . .

    "At a time when Detroit needs leaders -- those who see tough situations and do the right thing -- the city is stuck with cowards too tied to the mayor's power, or too afraid to cross him, to speak out . . .

    "The city's religious and civic leadership has also been woefully absent. Why has the local NAACP been all but silent . . .  Wendell Anthony has stuck to the `let the law work this out,' line, which falsely conflates Kilpatrick's right to a fair trial with his position as mayor."

    < Pelosi might have her reasons... | The Weekend in the Sphere >

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    BAMN's respons (none / 0) (#1)
    by Shell on Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 08:39:46 PM EST
    I heard a BAMN spokeswoman on WJR this afternoon demanding that Kilpatrick resign.  I was glad I was on my computer; if I'd heard it while in my van I would've driven off the road!

    The Conservatrarian

    Addendum: Yep, BAMN has fallen off the fence (none / 0) (#2)
    by Angry White Male on Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 08:47:12 PM EST
    From a freep story:

    'About a dozen members of the group, By Any Means Necessary, a Detroit-based coalition whose main focus is equal rights, insisted that Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick resign now.

    ' "Kwame has nothing but contempt for the city of Detroit," said the protest's organizer, Monica Smith, 24, of Detroit. "He's not a leader. He's not an example for young people of Detroit. He's a total shame for our city." '

    BTW, BAMN is not a "coalition whose main focus is equal rights." It's a hard-core Marxist group that cares little or nothing about "equal rights," but only about "stressing" the capitalist system with the ultimate aim of replacing it with a "dictatorship of the proletariat." (Guess who gets to be dictators.) "Equal Rights" is simply percieved a exploitable stress-point within our society, not an an end in itself. The Freep and other news organs do a disservice when they accord BAMN any more legitimacy than they would the Klan or Nazis.

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