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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    America Under Attack

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 01, 2009 at 01:59:59 PM EST
    Tags: Health Care (all tags)

    What will become of America when Americans en masse begin to believe that government subsidies are an accepted parcel of American life? Some would argue that we are already there.

    I believe that the health care bills currently being discussed would, if adopted, push us over the edge, for there is a sinister component to them that will create a relentless attack at the heart of an American principle on which this country was founded, and one that was stressed to me while I was growing up.

    My parents were never rich, were never college educated, and were never the type of people that lived high on the hog. I would guess we would have been considered middle class by most measurements, though to reach that lofty stratus of livelihood my Dad worked six days a week most of the year, rarely took vacations, and had two jobs. He would still be working today at age 90 if his eyesight hadn't worsened to the point that he can no longer read or drive. My Mom worked in a hardware store from the time her youngest daughter (a whiner and an incessant crybaby if my childhood recollections are correct) entered Kindergarten, until she was well into her 70s.

    This hard work and a strong dedication to family made my parents, according to some social engineers, members of a privileged class. This is hogwash of course, for we were never privileged beyond the point that my parents worked. My Dad worked as a farmer, a truck driver, a delivery man, a bus driver, a piano tuner, and a giver of unsolicited advice to his children. During my Mother's professional career she could have called herself a maid, a cook, a clerk, and an uncompensated giver of unsolicited advice to her children.

    My parents never smoked, drank, went on strike, did drugs, owned a weekend home, went on elaborate vacations, or lived beyond their means. They never divorced, and, except for my younger sister whom I told she was adopted at the zoo, all of their children were born within wedlock. To my knowledge, other than the sporty Ford my Mom drives these days, they never owned a new vehicle in their adult lives, unless, of course, you consider being "new to them" really new. I admit it, my parents drove mostly crap cars during their adult lives, a family tradition I have been proud to carry on.

    These are not the lives of the privileged, but rather the lives of the self-sufficient; people who did what they had to to get along while asking for no handouts from the government. America can survive, and has survived, because of people like my parents; people of wise disposition who live within their means and provide for themselves.

    My parents do not understand how a country can continue to exist when it plans to spend trillions of dollars more than it has in the bank. They never could have done this in their home. They are not keen either on the idea of their country providing to people what they should provide, and can provide, on their own. This was not how they lived their lives.

    Understand too that we are not talking about cold hearted brutes. They gave to charity, they gave to the church, and they even gave money to the GOP back in the day when Ronald Reagan managed to turn Americanism into something that Americans could be proud of. They taught me, in turn, that being self-sufficient means more than cutting the rope between myself and a dependence on government, it also means supporting others in need.

    It is a tragedy that the current health care bills being discussed will force millions upon millions of people to enlist into a life of dependence on government for no other reason than bureaucrats want to control the process, and because of their enlistment, an integral portion of the American Experience will be expunged from the psyche of Americans.

    Make no mistake, self-reliance is under attack, and therefore Americanism is under attack, for the two concepts are inseparable.

    < The Importance of Primary Elections | CC Potts voted with the Democrats for the tax increase. just another rino... >

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    Roug and J (none / 0) (#2)
    by grannynanny on Tue Dec 01, 2009 at 07:01:58 PM EST
    These are stories of true Americans throughout our nation.  I was raised in a lower middle class family, dad was a truck driver, mom was a part time nurse.  We were well cared for and enjoyed family and friends on weekends and holidays.  No fancy vacations, expensive toys or things of want. My dad played county league baseball on the weekends and we couldn't wait to get to the baseball fields to play with friends and watch dad play 2nd base.  

    Then it was on to the picnic area for hot dogs and kool-aide and a swim in Lake Huron. That was our summer and I will cherish those memories forever. Sadly, our children and grandchildren will never experience this because technology seems to rule the world now.

    My parents taught us the meaning of a hard days work and EARNING your way thru life.  Not one person in my family has taken a penny from the govt to get them thru.  My mom was the oldest of 12 kids.  One of her younger brothers was seriously injured in a sledding accident in the late 1950's.  All the brothers and sisters who were married and with families chipped in for expenses and helped watch the younger ones so my grandparents could stay in Ann Arbor with their gravely injured son for 4 months. That's just the way it was done.  What is given away today in freebies is disgusting.  The libs way of keeping the poor - poor- gets them votes and does nothing to help these people help themselves.

    Thank God we raised our kids the same way!  I am very proud of them and they are all conservative, especially since they are getting nice paychecks and don't like what is taken from them to redistribute to those who won't work.

    This health care scam of a bill is nothing but taking more money from hard working Americans and spending it on free loaders - and it is a LOT of money.  We must stop them cold and vote them out. This is all about taking more money and the power that comes with it.  

    Not responsible (none / 0) (#3)
    by blindman on Wed Dec 02, 2009 at 01:33:34 AM EST
    Personally I am getting tired of so many people thinking they should have a free ride and that they are not responsible for their actions.
    All I hear ishow these health bills are so good.
    These people should take the time to ACTUALLY read them. Then look at in-depth the results of bills like these in other countries.

    Most people are not born in Detroit so (none / 0) (#4)
    by maidintheus on Wed Dec 02, 2009 at 12:58:27 PM EST
    prolly get a better education then in DPS. Even though all of our schools are indoctrination centers, anything is better then DPS. Sadly, they think their answer is to deprive others so we can all be the same. They don't realize how this puts most people out of a job. They don't realize that gov't can't continue to support them when there is no one left to take from. Rather then freeing more people, it drags everyone down and we all lose our liberties. When it's more important to be angry and entitled, one can't see clearly.

    Most people don't agree with the health scam. It appears that this gov't no longer cares about the rule of law, much less what most people think.

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