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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    And just in case..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 22, 2009 at 09:29:05 PM EST
    Tags: Health care, 10th amendment, choice, Michigan, HJR CC (all tags)

    A resolution to be determined by the people of Michigan is on standby..


    On September 9, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Calley and McMillin and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.

    A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the state constitution of 1963, by adding section 28 to article I, to provide a right to independent health care.

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the state of Michigan, That the following amendment to the state constitution of 1963, to provide a right to independent health care, is proposed, agreed to, and submitted to the people of the state:


         Sec. 28. (1) Every person has a right to provide for his or her own health care.

         (2) A federal law or rule shall not compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in any health care system.

         (3) A person or employer may pay directly for lawful health care services and shall not be required to pay penalties or fines for paying directly for lawful health care services. A health care provider may accept direct payment for lawful health care services provided and shall not be required to pay penalties or fines for accepting direct payment from a person or employer for lawful health care services.

         (4) Subject to reasonable and necessary rules and laws that do not substantially limit a person's or employer's options, the purchase or sale of health insurance or coverage in private health care systems shall not be prohibited by federal law or rule.

         (5) This section does not do any of the following:

         (a) Affect which health care services a health care provider is required to perform or provide.

         (b) Affect which health care services are permitted by law.

         (c) Prohibit care provided pursuant to, or prohibit participation under, worker's compensation law or automobile no-fault law.

         (d) Affect laws or rules in effect as of January 1, 2009.

         (e) Affect the terms or conditions of any health care system to the extent that those terms and conditions do not have the effect of punishing a person or employer for paying directly for lawful health care services or a health care provider for accepting direct payment from a person or employer for lawful health care services.

         (6) As used in this section:

         (a) "Compel" includes penalties or fines.

         (b) "Direct payment" and "pay directly" mean payment for lawful health care services without a public or private third party, not including an employer, paying for any portion of the service.

         (c) "Health care system" means any public or private entity whose function or purpose is the management of, processing of, enrollment of individuals for, or payment for, in full or part, health care services, health care data, or health care information for its participants.

         (d) "Lawful health care services" means any health-related service or treatment, to the extent that the service or treatment is permitted or not prohibited by law, rule, or regulation, that may be provided by persons or businesses otherwise permitted to offer those services or treatments.

         (e) "Penalties or fines" means any criminal or civil penalty,fine, tax, salary or wage withholding, surcharge, or any named fee with a similar effect established by law or rule by a government- established, -created, or -controlled agency, that is used to punish or discourage the exercise of rights protected under this section.

    Resolved further, That the foregoing amendment shall be submitted to the people of the state at the next general election in the manner provided by law.

    Lets hope we don't have to even see this..

    < This Just in!! | A Dog that don't hunt.. >

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    Considering the amount of bribery going on... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Wed Dec 23, 2009 at 09:36:05 AM EST
    ...in Washington today over the latest health "care" abomination, this couldn't come too soon.

    Like this for Sen. Dodd.

    Or, this for Sen. Nelson.

    Or, even this for Sen. Landrieu.

    Hey, don't forget about the rest of the "honorable" senators (including Levin).

    And to top things off, the bill gets even better. Sen Reid wants to make it where items in HR 3590 are unchangeable.

    Might want to fast-track HJR CC!

    Nullification. (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Dec 23, 2009 at 12:56:21 PM EST
    It is legal and has been upheld by the SCOTUS. So there is precedence. Not to mention that Congress is basing their ability to shove this down our throats by using the Interstate Commerce Clause. That won't wash. If my doctor dispenses health care in my state there is nothing interstate about that provider/consumer transaction. This could have some very far reaching consequences as it sets up the possiblity to challange several laws and lower court rulings that have been the predication for many of the unlawful and unconstitutional acts that Congress has commited or forced on the people over the last 65 years. The unintended consequences could end up benefitting the people and set right many of the wrongs that have allowed Congress to impose their will unlawfully on the people

    • Which part? by KG One, 12/23/2009 11:16:54 PM EST (none / 0)
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