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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Granholm-Cherry prep massive new spending, wait for bailout

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 02, 2009 at 06:47:46 AM EST
    Tags: Granholm, Cherry, stimulus, state of the state (all tags)

    If only we could save a few budgetary bucks by cutting Black History Month, eh Rochelle?  Alas, Michigan's current annual budget deficit, consistently in the billion dollar range, doesn't appear to have phased the Granholm-Cherry administration who are looking to pave the way for massive new government spending beginning with the Governor's State of the State speech tomorrow evening.

    According to the administration's favorite reporter at the AP, the potential for $5.5 billion in cash borrowed by the federal government and loaned to the state of Michigan is just the kind of gimmick and one-time fix that has "the Democratic governor cautiously looking over her dream (spending) list again."

    We might just get a sneak peak of that list tomorrow when she addresses the Michigan legislature and everyone else twisted or bored enough to listen (yes, that definitely includes me) during tomorrow evening's State of the State speech.

    She'll propose measures to help homeowners avoid foreclosure and give the jobless more time to pay their overdue utility bills. She'll ask for a law banning municipal utilities from shutting off power and natural gas to the disabled and elderly. And she'll have an insurance advocate she appointed last year propose ways to reduce auto insurance rates.

    She's also looking at infrastructure and construction programs that she claimed on cable TV yesterday could create 150,000 Michigan jobs.  Of course, there are three problems with that... 1) it's misleading because most of the folks eligible for that work will end up with more than one of the jobs over the course of their flash-in-the-pan existence, 2) they aren't long-term jobs, meaning that after a construction project is finished, its finished forever and 3) the number is just plain total bologna.  

    Of course she'd be hard pressed to spend $5.5 billion on filling potholes, even in Michigan.  The rest will be used to erase deficits, secure the good old social safety net and will be passed around to public universities.  In other words, it'll get cycled through the bureaucracy from one government agency to another until every last dollar is spent.

    Read on...

    You almost need a new state department to handle the work load.  Which we'll be able to handle after tomorrow because the Governor is expected to pretend she's a budget hawk and suggest cutting ten departments.  Of course she's going to let her hand picked successor and right-hand-man, LG Cherry, handle all of the press conferences in front of the adoring masses who happen to hold media credentials.  The Detroit News reports:

    Lt. Gov. John Cherry will lead a year-long commission charged with reducing the number of state departments in future years, but Granholm will propose scrapping the 226-employee, $52.2 million Department of History, Arts and Libraries this year.

    The state faces a $1.6 billion deficit for the budget year beginning Oct. 1, as state revenues dwindle due to the limping economy and a jobless rate of more than 10 percent.

    Her short-term reform plan would end all state financing of the Michigan State Fair in Detroit, the nation's oldest, as well as the Upper Peninsula State Fair in 2010. The State Fair -- a showcase for Michigan's $64 billion agricultural industry -- is an agency of the Department of Management and Budget, and is held on state property. It's supposed to pay for itself, but the state treasury has been covering shortfalls ranging from $50,000 to $1.3 million in recent years. Attendance has dropped 39 percent since 2000 and corporate support also has declined.

    And that's the big headline grabber this morning.  The gov wants to kill the State Fair.  With a $1.6 billion deficit, the big ticket savings item the fawning MSM has already glommed on to is a proposal that would save as little as $50,000 a year.  

    Of course the LG has likely already sent out campaign emissaries into the Ag community letting them know that he disagrees with the Governor on this one and that he's working as hard as he can to get her to back down.  Good cop bad cop.  

    Meanwhile, the structural budget deficit, likely to be patched with yet another one-time fix and fed with stimulus cash that won't be there in the future remains tied tightly around the state's neck.  Making tough choices is overrated anyways.

    Oh, and friendly reminder time, like last year RightMichigan will be on the web liveblogging tomorrow evening's speech from Lansing.  Make sure you stop by and join in the conversation!

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    Question and comment. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Feb 02, 2009 at 09:19:11 AM EST
    Is spending money the only answer to every problem? Seems to me the Liberal mind is very one dimensional and in the Czarinas case not even that. I recently read an article that stated that the government (Federal)wastes about 45 cents of every tax dollar it collects. That is double what it was only ten years ago. It would be interesting to know how much money that the Czarina picks from our pockets is wasted by fraud, overspending and outright corruption. We the People need to continue to hound this woman and the Democrats in order to achieve less government and a better way for We the People to be served by that which we are FORCED to support.
    The biggest reason the State Fair in Detroit has seen massive drops in attendence is easy to figure. IT IS IN DETROIT. Get it our of DETROIT and to a more centrally located area and you more then likely will see an increase in attendence. I would be willing to wager that the drop in attendence can be tied directly to the amount of crime and blight that has occurred in that city as a result of succesive Liberal Democrat administrations. Personally I won't go to Detroit for any reason whatever. As several people have pointed out, you are safer in Bagdhad then you are in Detroit or Flint.

    Department of history, arts and libraries (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Mon Feb 02, 2009 at 02:18:14 PM EST
    This is the opening paragraph from the website of the Department of history, arts and libraries...
    Culture Driving Michigan's Economy

    Michigan's arts and cultural sector will play an increasingly important role in helping our communities better define themselves as great places for people to live, businesses to thrive, and tourists to visit. As Michigan continues the hard work of transforming its economy, the strategy of cultural economic development - building upon our cultural assets to boost community prosperity -- will help our cities, neighborhoods and rural areas position themselves for long-term growth.

    Now, how could any of us possibly support the curtailing of a department so confident in its own value that it can promote itself using such mindless gibberish? Why in the world wasn't this department slashed in half during the last couple of budget crises?

    How many more departments are there out there that could use a good axing?

    This is exactly why we need an occasional crisis. Nothing short of a near disaster gets these clowns to do anything substantive.

    Excellent Point Roug (none / 0) (#3)
    by DMOnline on Mon Feb 02, 2009 at 02:47:36 PM EST
    The only problem with the current "crisis" is that the Dems and the Press (one in the same, I know) have convinced a majority of Americans that only massive new government spending and regulation can save us.  And our people are so economically ignorant that they believe it.

    The concept of cutting taxes and regulations and getting government out of the way is flat out laughed at by almost all the powers that be.  There are likely even a few RINO's who chortle condescension at the thought.

    We're in for several years (perhaps at least 8) of liberalism and Keynesianism run amuck.  Hopefully it won't take that long for The People to figure out what a disaster liberal policies always are.  But I get the distinct sense the pendulum has really swung to the left and it will be quite some time before conservatism regains its credibility with The Folks.


    Two things that give me hope. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Feb 02, 2009 at 06:29:19 PM EST
    It is obvious that some people are paying attention. The Porkulus Bill is losing support faster then Joe Biden chews shoe leather. The recent poll that I saw stated that only 32% of the American people are now in favor of this. So some of the sham is starting be seen. Whether or not it will do any good is yet to be seen. The word out of Washington is the phones are ringing off the wall at the Capital. And low and behold some folks are starting to realize the pig in a poke they were sold by the MSM and the Democrats. The One is not quite the miracle worker he was made out to be. And his star is starting to desend. I think we can rightly say that the Obama Presidency is a dismal failure.

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