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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    81 Days of Obstruction

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 20, 2009 at 01:04:22 PM EST
    Tags: Andy Dillon, MBT, surcharge, obstruction (all tags)

    The Democrat controlled Michigan House of Representatives returns to "work" tomorrow after taking a two week hiatus to clear the mind, recharge the batteries and funnel thousands of dollars into other states tourism programs.  

    Alas, the problems they shelved when they beat feat out of town are still waiting to greet them upon their return.  The state continues to bleed $125 million in red ink every month, unemployment jumped from 12 percent to 12.6 percent while they were out of town and Democrats across the country continue to harp on how groovy "stimulus spending" is for local economies.

    All the more interesting, in that sense, that Andy Dillon's obstruction of the long-since transferred, bipartisan Senate Bill 1, a Michigan economic stimulus bill that pumps $1.235 billion into the local economy over the next three fiscal years has today reached DAY 81.

    That's nearly twelve full weeks after an overwhelmingly bi-partisan majority of the Michigan State Senate (one-third of the Democrats joined every Republican) came together to approve a spending-free stimulus plan that returns $1.235 billion to local businesses... Michigan companies creating Michigan jobs.

    Senate Bill 1, sponsored by Representative Mark Jansen repeals the much-hated, job-killing MBT surcharge, not only stimulating the economy with a massive infusion of desperately needed capital, but sending an even more desperately needed signal to the business community that Michigan is finally ready to make some tough decisions and to step out of the economic dark ages.

    The Democrat controlled House and Speaker Andy Dillon specifically, haven't bothered to even give the bill a hearing.

    Eighty-one days.   And the question isn't how soon will they give common sense, bipartisan legislation a hearing and a vote... it remains, how long will they continue to ignore the devastating economic reality gripping their own constituents?

    < Monday in the Sphere: April 20 | Tuesday in the Sphere: April 21 >

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    Dillon's Dancing (none / 0) (#1)
    by wctaxpayer on Mon Apr 20, 2009 at 10:27:06 PM EST
    Maybe I should try to Recall Dillon again. He spent a million dollars saving his job but didn't learn a thing because it wasn't his money. Anyone want to bet that they will not give him that much again to save his behind?

    Or, maybe we should give one of his buddies a chance to defend themselves.  In any case we have a few more months before we have to decide. In the meantime let's get busy reminding him and his buddies that we are out here. If 12.6 percent unemployment does not motivate them,I do not know what will.

    Having the United States Supreme Court decide in my favor will make it a lot easier to recall someone this time. I only need the help of 200 of my Tea Party friends to get involved and we could do it in a week without a problem.
    Rose Bogaert, Chair Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Inc.

    "Working" (none / 0) (#2)
    by Crippy on Tue Apr 21, 2009 at 10:23:32 AM EST
    I think we would be better off if they never worked.  Every time they work, we lose something.

    Like Mark Twain said: "No man's life, liberty, or property was safe while the legislature was in session." -Mark Twain

    Gun Control Magnets


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