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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Liberal Analysis of Housing Bubble

    By DrDetroit, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Aug 13, 2009 at 12:18:49 PM EST
    Tags: Laughing at Liberals (all tags)

    When you cite a source to blast President Bush for the housing bubble, you should probably read the source first.

    A liberal blog posted a snippet of an article that discusses the obvious run up in housing prices that should have shown everyone there was a housing bubble.  Then blames President Bush for that bubble.  

    So far so good.  

    We Avoided Second Great Depression, However... (Kathy)

    Dean Baker makes a good point.

    This crash was 100 percent preventable to anyone watching the economy and capable of doing 3rd grade arithmetic. The housing bubble was easy to see and it should have been obvious that its collapse would devastate the economy.
    ...we will have tens of millions of people unemployed or underemployed for years because of this gang's incompetence. Millions of people will lose their homes. The country will needlessly lose more than $6 trillion ($40,000 per family) of output.

    Heckuva job, Bush and friends.  

    Posted at Mon Aug 10, 2009 at 13:25:00 PM EDT

    If you happen to click the link, you will go to the report written by Dean Baker, that was published in August 2002.  The report covers the run up in housing prices from 1995 to 2002.

    Only a liberal could cite a report covering the Clinton years and use that to blast President Bush.

    Maybe she meant President Bush should have done something to deflate the bubble or just prevent it from growing.  You know, like regulatory reform of Freddie and Fannie that was blocked by Democrat Barnie Frank.  Oh wait, that puts the blame back where it belongs, on a liberal Democrat.  

    It must be great to be a liberal, because then you never have to worry about the facts.

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