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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Big Oil Bad. Big Soros Good.

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 31, 2009 at 01:49:48 PM EST
    Tags: Thaddeus McCotter, energy, George Soros (all tags)

    When Big Oil donates to a candidate's campaign, that candidate is accused forever of being in the pocket of Big Oil, but when trial lawyers, the NEA, the UAW, Fannie Mae, or Hungarian born socialist benefactor George Soros supports a candidate or cause, it is with a benevolent purity not seen since God blessed the wandering Children of Israel with manna.

    What Soros' legions conveniently forget to mention in a recently released ad slamming Thaddeus McCotter for his vote on cap and trade, is that cap and trade legislation would wreak further havoc upon the state and district that McCotter represents, and that the 1.7 million new jobs that would be created by the legislation are little more than gross speculation in the first place, hideously expensive per job ultimately created, ambiguous as to their long term benefit, and financed through punitive measures aimed squarely at energy consumers (that would be you and me to those paying attention.)

    Big utility (apparently not so bad as big oil) would be granted the large majority of credits under the legislation, while electric and petroleum consumers would be allowed to enjoy the true meaning of "necessarily skyrocket" as it relates to energy pricing.

    Thaddeus McCotter is supposedly a ripe target for Democrats in the upcoming general election. If metro voters defeat one of the few conservative voices left in Southeast Michigan they will be further embracing the disastrous socialist policies that helped to send Detroit, Michigan and the United States into a full economic collapse in the first place.

    George Soros thinks Michigan is worth his investment. Will Michigan voters?

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    Is Soros an oilman himself ? (none / 0) (#2)
    by Eric T on Tue Sep 01, 2009 at 07:59:26 AM EST
    Look at some of the oil companies Soros is involved with.


    Watching MoveOn.org bash oil companies while Soros owns a bunch of their stocks.

    The democrats should CAP Soros's pay at $17 an hour, tax the rest. And TRADE him to a different country, Soros needs to be thrown out of America

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