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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    What's Wrong WithThis

    By Dewey from Detroit, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Aug 05, 2009 at 10:01:41 AM EST
    Tags: clinton, obama, helen thomas, north korea (all tags)

    Bill Clinton flies off to North Korea to seal the deal on the release of the two American "journalists" that wandered into North Korea, and BHO brings birthday cupcakes to the 89 year old cupcake Helen Thomas.

    Bill Clinton flies off to North Korea to seal the deal on the release of the two American "journalists" that wandered into North Korea, and BHO brings birthday cupcakes to the 89 year old cupcake Helen Thomas.

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Could it be that Bill Clinton actually looked presidential as he walked off the plane, all somber and steady of foot?  As opposed to the way Barry usually disembarks from a plane, playing the snare drums and looking for all the world like he's on his way to a pep rally (which, to be fair, he often is.)

    And here's our current Prez, feting Ms. Thomas with Little Debbies, still looking like he's at a pep rally (Again, he is. Check out the bouncing MSM bobble heads twitter when he comes through the door. Ohhhh! Mr. President!)

    It was nice of him to remember the birthday of the little old lady who shares his birthday (at least we think it's his birthday). Because shoot, she is 89 and could get sick any day now. And being the good little trooper that she is, we know she would just volunteer to cash it in rather than burden our broken health care system.

    Who could've imagined the day when Bill Clinton, arranging an international threesome, would be a more wholesome story than the sitting president's morning briefing?

    Dewey from Detroit posts nearly every dayhere at deweyfromdetroit.com
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    How do you want to distribute the cupcakes? (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Wed Aug 05, 2009 at 01:45:02 PM EST
    Is 'How do you want to distribute the cupcakes?' a talking point or a sound bite?

    Regardless, no amount of photo ops, various crisis or rescues, will distract me from insisting that I don't want this Obamacare.

    They could give the citizens an 'in' for the programs (FEHBP) they enjoy and quit inhibiting our ability to choose our packages. This would be more timely and cost effective as they'd not need to come up with a whole new scam.

    Further, they could listen to the GAO. The USA needs to be less costly but it shouldn't be CHEAP. The USA excels in RESEARCH, doctors, specialists, even with the partially socialized system that is in place.  As the GAO studies show (and have shown for years) the USA health system suffers from lack of competition... For starters see:

    The icing on the cupcakes is less socialism and more free market.

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