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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan's Next Governor And Federalism

    By steve, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 23, 2009 at 07:39:27 PM EST
    Tags: Granholm, Michigan's next Governor (all tags)

    But as the plan of the convention aims only at a partial union or consolidation, the State governments would clearly retain all the rights of sovereignty which they before had, and which were not, by that act, EXCLUSIVELY delegated to the United States

    Alexander Hamilton- Federalist No. 32

    About two weeks ago, I had a discussion with a couple of smart guys about defining conservatism. During the discussion I rattled off some obvious points. And, as quickly as I rattled off the easy points, they pressed me for more.  As I thought about it, and being a Fred Thompson supporter during last years presidential primaries, I brought up the concepts of Federalism as being part of the foundation of conservatism.

    After the discussion, it occurred to me that as much as the concept of Federalism is important for a Presidential candidate, it's probably more important for a Governor (particularly in Michigan's case with the toxic combination of Granholm's ineptitude and Obama's insatiable appetite for control) to have a strong understanding and support for this concept. Furthermore, a Governor must be willing to assert his state's Constitutional rights and begin a push back against the ever encroaching Federal government since Washington is not going to give up control easily.

    Federalism is a brilliant concept in that it's the most effective way for groups of people to organize and operate. In government, business, military or even in team sports, the most effective organizations push decisions to the lowest levels of that organization possible.

    A good example of pushing decisions to the lowest level is football. Some of the most important decisions in a game are the "tackle calls" made by offensive lineman. The linemen need to quickly adjust blocking schemes just prior to the snap to pick up defensive stunts, changes in alignment and blitzes. At that point in the game, there is no time for the coach to change the play. The decisions must be made by the players on the field.

    In much the same way, a Federalist government pushes more decisions closer to home. This allows for more effective decisions can be made by the people most affected by the decisions. Rather than having decisions being made by the bureaucracy in Washington.

    In order for Michigan to become a successful state again, the next Governor must embrace a Federalist approach to Michigan's relationship with the United States Government. Particularly with the anti-business and strong central government approach embraced by the Obama administration. But just as important is Lansing's relationship with the local governments within our state.

    This concept can't be overstated.

    The financial troubles of the domestic auto industry has created a tremendous strain on Michigan's economy. Unfortunately, for two terms, Granholm's response has been a disastrous string of silver bullet, top down, central planning initiatives to address our states problems. Failed initiatives such as  Cool Cites!, Let's make Movies!, Green Energy! and the brilliant 45 by 20 plan! have, at best, done absolutely nothing to help our economy. At worst, gems like the 45 by 20 plan have scared business away from our state and accelerated Michigan's economic decline.

    To reverse this decline it will take an organic, bottom up, free market solutions to the problem.

    In other words a Federalist solution to the problem, where Lansing removes needless regulatory barriers and starts creating the conditions for businesses to flourish. This will allow the people and communities across the state to freely innovate, apply their talents where they see fit and organically grow the state back to an economic powerhouse.

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    Wow, Steve! Yeah, great post! (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Wed Sep 23, 2009 at 09:23:46 PM EST
    "In government, business, military or even in team sports, the most effective organizations push decisions to the lowest levels of that organization possible."

    This is so beautifully it. This is what reminds us of our most sovereign position, We The People.

    I sure hope to hear from you often as this reminder is a real cheer for the team.


    • Thanks! by steve, 09/23/2009 10:12:51 PM EST (none / 0)
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