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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 24, 2010 at 07:21:05 AM EST
    Tags: Democrats, Liars, Fake Tea party, Brewer, Bauer, Benson, McGuinness, OCDP (all tags)

    At least when it comes to the fake tea scandal.

    Often we will find ourselves with opposing viewpoints from the Ivory Tower.  There is a point I guess, when things become more than obvious, and "bad" can be called what it is.   Apparently today we are allies:

    If voters' faith has already been shaken by the corruption we've seen in southeast Michigan and the inability of public officials around the state to work together to solve our problems, this Tea Party nonsense rattles it further.

    And how desperate do Michigan Democrats look by trying to pull this off? It's almost an admission that the party's candidates need something other than merit to win this fall.

    The editorial is correct in questioning who planned, financed etc..  

    The lawyer, Michael Hodge, is expected to be challenging the 2-2 decision by the board of canvassers tomorrow.  Who might he present as willing to stand for the party?  Will Mark Steffek show up? What of Jason Bauer, who now bears the tire tracks of Michigan Democrats on his back? Benson and Brewer, and McGuinness, Democrats who have effectively "blanket partied" that fourth stooge at the OCDP sure as heck won't, but will be there in spirit.. to be sure.

    Stay tuned.

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    Pathetic! (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Tue Aug 24, 2010 at 08:43:44 AM EST
    Just heard Steve Courtney on WJR and a reporter from either the press or the news talking about this and they were both 100% clueless about this case.  They talked as if the organizers of this fake tea party were the real deal.  No mention of the firing/resignation of the democrap who notorized signatures, no mention of Steffeck and his ties to the democrap party, no mention of the forged signature on the application.....

    They couldn't understand why true Tea Party patriots were opposing this group being put on the ballot!!!

    WTF!!! Disgusting!!!!

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