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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Random weekend thoughts..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jan 22, 2011 at 08:34:04 PM EST
    Tags: Snyder, Legislature, Republicans, Influence, Decisions, liberalism, Michigan (all tags)

    OK, yeah.. a little disappointed in the statements made by our governor the other day.  In my view, his particular expression of democrat dreams only gives those failed ideas new life.  thus we call out RINO etc..

    There is no question he needs to know when we are in total disagreement.

    But more importantly, our legislators need to know.  I have already been in contact here, and expect to continue putting pressure on them.  this isn't to say I will be abusing them with incessant contacts, but rather I will continue to provide a consistent message that they do not need to go along with the governor's liberal agenda to get along.  Frankly, Snyder has made it clear he wants to expand crony capitalism, and if the Republicans in the house and senate wish to be viewed in that way then he will have willing allies.  

    So we don't have all three branches like we thought Nov 5.  The Michigan legislature has a great number of our friends and colleagues however, who have been along side us in our quest to take back Michigan from the failure that was liberal democrat control.  I guess we will have to live with that.  But we have to embolden our stalwarts, so they know we have their back.

    First hand, I have begun to experience what it means to be accountable to constituents, and especially those who disagree with my stands..

    ~ below ~

    Recently, I pushed through a vote that NO ONE expected to survive.  It was done in a way that was very clear, and decisive.  And even though it was necessary to move it in the way that generated an editorial jeer from the local paper, and several calls and a visit to the chambers on a subsequent committee meeting by angry voters, it would not have survived a multiple meeting process.

    Not because it was a bad decision, but rather the deliberative process was slanted on the issue.

    Those voters who complained mattered to me.  I had to make the process move forward quickly, but was not entirely happy to have to face their scorn on the issue.  Even though we would likely have never come to an agreement on the issue.  Even though on MOST issues we would not see eye to eye.  Those voters still matter, and carry weight on how I represent them.  And they should know it. But I also represent those other who wanted action.

    I campaigned on the issue in question, and had more support to move it, so I made it happen.

    The reason I mention this, is because your legislators are now hearing everyone in their district who wishes to be heard.  Even though disagreements with some views may exist, truth will be encouraged with enough exposure to it.  The lack of contact, limits the ability of the legislator to reach it more quickly.

    If I am approached with a different viewpoint, from a constituent, I can no longer automatically dismiss it.  It does not mean I have to automatically accept, but rather, give the voter his or her due input.

    Those guys we send to Lansing have it worse than I.  And NOW, with a governor who carries the positive weight of being a Republican, is pressuring our lawmakers to ignore the truth. Expansion of particular parts of government is not what we need, and that is what is going to be happening.

    Our house and senate members will automatically have pressures to capitulate with the new governor's wishes.

    We must reach them first... and more often.

    < Birthday Wishes from unthinking, uncaring accessories to murder! | Interview With Alex Clark - Candidate for MIGOP Youth Vice-Chair >

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    A letter to my State Senator and a letter to (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Sun Jan 23, 2011 at 06:34:06 AM EST
    my State Representative going out today. I've got excellent bullet (sorry Sheriff Dipstick and lieberals) points based upon my own observations and also those ideas gleaned from Right Michigan.

    Anybody got any ideas on who could viably primary Vanilla Boy Rick in 2014 that isn't from the Miliken/Schwartz/UofM wing of the Republican Party? If Mark Brewer finds this fiasco State of the State good news, we haven't done our job.

    Mr. Gillman--I take it that the People's Traverse City Record Eagle was unhappy with you?

    An awful lot can happen... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Sun Jan 23, 2011 at 08:02:03 AM EST
    ...between now and 2014.

    With permission (none / 0) (#3)
    by grannynanny on Sun Jan 23, 2011 at 08:21:28 AM EST
    from Scales I am going to print out his take from the previous post (which I agree with 1000%) and send THAT to my legislators.  And if I have to send it once a week - I will.

    • Just remember by JGillman, 01/23/2011 09:12:47 AM EST (none / 0)
    • Go for it by Corinthian Scales, 01/24/2011 10:18:05 AM EST (none / 0)
      • Ohhhhh by grannynanny, 01/24/2011 11:09:47 AM EST (none / 0)
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