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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Big Freaking Deal

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Feb 10, 2011 at 01:40:40 PM EST
    Tags: Right to work, Unions, Labor, Michigan, Right-to-work zones, John Proos (all tags)

    One of the biggest ethical problems I have with unions, is that the ability to contract for one's own self is not included.  While professing insipid profundities like "protecting the little guy" big labor in turn, refuses to allow the little guy who might have more to offer, a chance to capitalize on it.  This, in my view hardly protects anyone's ability to seek and find suitable employment based on his or her skills.  It cheapens the employment and takes away from the value of the position.

    Michigan's Capitol Confidential is now reporting that State Senator John Proos is going to push for Right-to-work zones in Michigan.  

    Proos, R-St. Joseph, introduced legislation Wednesday that would allow counties and municipalities in Michigan to create right-to-work zones. It is Senate Bill 120. Proos says the bill is on his agenda because the issue is "too important" to wait for Snyder to lead the way. In addition to its sponsor, the bill has eight Republican co-sponsors in the Senate -- already nine of the 19 votes needed to pass the bill in that chamber, assuming that Republican Lt. Gov. Brian Calley would cast a tie-breaking vote.

    Snyder as mentioned in the article has given prior indication that he would sign this type of legislation, even though it is not on his agenda.

    For my purposes however, this has other ramifications.  If this was to become law, I would push to have Grand Traverse County become the first Right to work zone in the state.  Both for attention, and also for other reasons (there are SOME who are unionized here who would appreciate if they were not forced to be)that contribute to efficiency.

    I DO hope this goes forward fruitfully.  Here's to happy unencumbered employees!

    < Money, money, money, money...monnnney! | Kurt Meister: Economic and Freedom Jihadist with a Law Degree >

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    Would not it be better (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Feb 10, 2011 at 02:01:53 PM EST
    To push for the entire state of Michigan to become a "Right to Work" zone? I think so. This would be step one to the salvation of Michigan. We need to follow that with adoption of the Fair Tax and a Constitutional amendment that would remove the right to organize labor unions in the public sector. Once all this has been accomplished we can move forward with saving even more money by allowing private companies to run 2/3 of the Michigan prisons. Minimum and medium security facilities only.
    Now just think. If Michigan passes right to work. This will be ground shaking. It will send a tremor through the entire rust belt. Other states will follow. It could be the begining of a huge transformation in the way these states can conduct business. Along with massive deregulation the above wish list can go far to heal Michigan and send a message that is loud and clear that we are indeed serious and open for business.

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