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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    At One O'clock we'll play pinochle and then at Four we'll campaign.

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 07, 2011 at 09:40:08 PM EST
    Tags: Jason Bauer, Michael McGuinness, Mark Brewer, TEA Party wannabe, Oakland County (all tags)

    The latest news on the <strike>democratic-party backed</strike> Tea Party Party, took an unusual twist today.

    Did Jason Bauer and Michael McGuinness pray to the great and all-powerful Obama for guidance?

    Did MDP Chair Mark Brewer appear in a pink tutu and confess to planning the whole thing (and then gripe that he woulda gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those pesky, meddling Right Michigan kids)?


    Okay, so maybe it wasn't that unusual.

    [Details below the fold}

    Some of the "candidates" from the Tea Party Party, were called before Judge Edward Sosnick in Oakland County to testify before the grand jury investigating the people behind the faux Tea Party and to explain how their names got on the ballot.

    "Tea Party" candidates Hortensia Anderer and Ruth Ann Spearman, along with their mutual friend Joan Morgan, were called, along with MDP Chair Mark Brewer, Oakland County Treasurer Andrew Meisner, Oakland County Commissioners Timothy Greimel and David Woodward.

    In typical democratic fashion, those last three were ready and willing to toss their fellow democrats under the bus for <strike>being caught</strike> their heinous and despicable actions in this case.

    Except for the "candidates" in question.

    They weren't even aware that they were candidates.

    So, what do these three women have in common and how did they end up on the ballot, running for an office they had no interest in?

    Well, they all play cards together at the local senior center.

    And according to Mrs. Anderer; Joan Morgan is Michael McGuinness' grandmother.

    A chance conversation with her grandson regarding which democrat to vote for and voilà, you're now a candidate for the Tea Party Party!

    Stay tuned...

    < "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." | In Chicago >

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    Interesting... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Apr 08, 2011 at 01:12:59 PM EST
    And, I'd be watching that Dimocrat Oakland Co prosecuter like a hawk too.

    I did have a good laugh on the Meisner denial though.  It's simply amazing... You've got the sodomite and his "roomy" as staffers for Meisner and Benson and low and behold they all of a sudden know diddly-squat of what their peeps do.

    Why hell, it's the Schultz Party!

    "I know nothing... nothiiiiing!"

    Stick to you're guns Bouchard...

    Two Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud: MyFoxDETROIT.com

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