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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Low Level Of Tea Party Pressure

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jun 08, 2011 at 09:20:54 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Snyder, Legislators, Tea Party, Backbone, Trust, K-12 (all tags)

    Those words have some truth.

    A couple of days ago I read an article on political will and K-12 considerations.  Author Ken Braun had noted the seemingly lackluster efforts of Tea Party type groups. Or perhaps at the very least, the perception of said groups' efforts in providing little backbone to our newly elected Republican and conservative lawmakers.  Braun notes the media response to low pressure being applied:

    "For all of the criticism he has taken from fiscal conservatives over not asking for more spending cuts to offset his business tax plan, it is important to remember that Gov. Snyder appears to have very accurately estimated the low level of courage within his own party for such a policy. And the Lansing media was even shocked by the low level of tea party pressure being applied on GOP lawmakers refusing to make even his modest K-12 cuts."

    Indeed, the silence has been deafening.

    ~ A little More below ~

    So what has happened to the "silent no more" majority which swept a triple majority into Lansing?  Where is Michigan's powerful "tea lobby" today?  Is it true that the movement has burned out?  Or should another more appropriate question be asked? Like:

    "Do we need to hold their freaking hands, continuously?"

    THAT question is one that may have the unacceptable answer we do not want to hear.   Perhaps the questions are being asked, because the political will of political opportunists is still at an unquantifiable state.  There are few representatives whom I would deem "hardball" enough to follow through with all the political posturing toward Tea Party types without a bit of the aforementioned hand-holding.  Sadly, the progressive (easy way out) pandering aspects of spending other people's money has a strong allure, and philanthropic gestures with such resources can become too commonplace.

    And once the fruit has been sampled, it is often too late to save the soul.

    But consider the trusting nature of those, who while normally quite independent, had moved as one to rid a great number of unacceptable panderers from the trusted halls of governance.  The nature of tea types alone, makes it nearly impossible to consider the new selections as possible Benedict Arnolds.  Tea Partiers by their intellectual construct will trust first, because they EXPECT the proper decision making.

    One must rise to a certain level of inappropriate behavior before breaching the trust of those who have faith and trust in themselves.  How could anyone know the truth and do wrong?  And declaring a truth during an election cycle, must surely mean that an appropriate disposition should be expected.

    In other words, why bother the Representative or Senator on issues of which they have already taken a position? They have jobs to do.  They will vote correctly. Right?

    For some, yes.

    The old adage, "Trust But Verify" has never been as important as now.  But even still, it is possible that in the face of intense lobbying to do wrong, our conservative and Republican servants may recall why they have the majority this year.

    But just in case, maybe its time to pick up the phone, keyboard, or possibly dust off the signs, yet again.

    < Gov. Snyder Swings BIG GOVERNMENT Further Center-Left | Billdo53 Comments On Our Smoking Ban >

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    I would say yes and no on this. (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Wed Jun 08, 2011 at 11:27:35 AM EST
    Yes, Tea Party members (at least the ones I've spoken to) haven't had a lot to say on the education issue, per se.

    No, because when the alternatives were brought up (i.e. Snyder's income tax hike, pension tax hike and support for Detroit's income & utility taxes), the response was overwhelmingly against.

    The fact that the revenue numbers didn't support these taxes only make the job those supporting them that much harder.

    And I haven't even gotten into their re-election yet...

    It's not the TEA, it's the Party (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jun 08, 2011 at 11:41:48 AM EST
    Jason, when you have the flagship of the MI-GOP (that'd be Snyder) telling the public that Foreign Nationals come before U.S. Citizens and Michiganders, that's a major problem. A MI-GOP governor that knowingly will provide $900M a year to illegal aliens because he won't adopt Arizona styled laws, but will tap legal resident pensions without remorse, that's a major problem.  A MI-GOP governor that will enable unions to shackle its citizens from the freedom to choose its working arrangements, that's a major problem.  A MI-GOP governor that'll resort to Obama style tactics to suppress opposing Conservative criticism within the Party, that's a major problem.  That's just to name a few 'cause I've tired of wasting time on Obama union Amtrak entanglement, Granholm bridge, and rolling with Obamacare.

    It's not the TEA that is the problem, it's the MI-GOPs flagship governor that is the square peg in the round hole that is the problem.  This is where I am really struggling with the recall thing because IMO the opportunist fence jumping RINO sumb!tch needs to go.  Now.  Matter of fact, the whole Yob/McCain/Snyder and now Romney RINO camp in the MI-GOP needs to take a walk too.  Nobody votes Democrat-light anymore when their vote can buy the real thing.  A spend and tax liberal or a spend and tax shift centrist both suck equally, so vote the real deal and get it over with.

    Deep down do I really believe that Speaker Bolger merits the name Bolgergeist?  No.  But a Center-Left interloping GoverNerd from LibTarded Ann Arbor sure has a way of turning him to butter.  Majority Leader Richardville?  Nah.  Richardville is just letting his true union backed Snyder RINO colors fly.

    So, one shouldn't be all that surprised when it comes to not seeing Gadsens waving in the air and actual hand written signs at the capitol because conversely one can also say we didn't see the mass of commies, hippies and goonion slugs the likes in Wisconsin at our Lansing Capitol either.

    Milquetoast.  Reinventing.  Democrat-light.

    In other forums pertinent to Michigan (none / 0) (#4)
    by RushLake on Thu Jun 09, 2011 at 05:51:55 AM EST
    that have a lot of self professed TEA Party posters, there was a lot of agreement with the Snyder tax increases. They were called fair and describing us as now being "equally screwed" in the case of the pension tax. It got pretty contentious when it was pointed out that true conservatism is not about raising taxes.

    I think the TEA Party movement in Michigan is fractured and was fractured when some saw an opportunity to get even with their fellow citizens.

    I think too that a lot of people for whatever reason have bought into the nonsense that the education aristocrats are the smartest people in whatever room they're in and unquestionably deserving of the loot they derive from their "employers".

    I didn't complain until they came for me.......

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