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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Snyder Calls For Vote against RNC platform On 5

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Oct 16, 2012 at 03:18:07 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Snyder, Prop 5, Limits, Constitution, RNC, Republicans, Taxes, Responsibility (all tags)

    The Republican Party has made it clear in their platform that raising taxes to solve budget woes should be much harder.

    One might think that would be the common sense shared by our state leadership, and given the fickle nature of Michigan, an absolute winner for protecting our future generations from abuses like those suffered 2002-2010.  Its a known conservative-Republican postulate.  Harder to raise taxes = better government.

    But Republican platforms, principles, goals, don't seem to be in line with one prominent politician.  Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, answering a series of questions on the ballot proposals uses the canard that the MBT would not have been eliminated if prop 5 was already in place:

    "Snyder: This isn't just about tax increases. On the face of it, some people may think this is a good thing. But this really would impact many fashions of tax reform or actually tax reductions, because it talks about any increase in rate or base. To use one illustration, we would still have the Michigan Business Tax today, which I don't think anyone would want. That was a disaster. That didn't pass by a two-thirds margin, and this requirement would have applied because we replaced it with a 6 percent net income tax for corporations that was simpler, fairer and more efficient. "

    Of course, forgetting to say that with a prop 5 type of rule in effect,  the MBT would NOT have been enacted in the first place.  Granholm's hands would have been tied.  She would have had to face the tough cuts that this state needs in its social program structure and government accountability for expenditures.

    In fact, some might even look so far back as to when the Michigan imposition of a state income tax of 2 percent on individuals, 3 1/2 percent on corporations, and 6 percent on financial institutions was enacted.

    Yeah, I went there.

    More below.

    The governor might also be concerned with maintaining the ability to enact his A21 (agenda 21, for those of you still politically asleep) penalty on automobile owners scheme.  Penalizing the activities they wish to reduce, while using those penalties to fund competitive activities (complete streets, walkable, sustainable environments) seems to be the go-to plan for our current crop of green weasels. Rick is not bashful about promoting such nonsense. Raising taxes on gas, rather than recapturing the taxes already collected for the appropriate road improvements.  

    Let there be no doubt, he plans on enacting gas tax increases:

    "In response, the legislature is considering a package of bills that would, among other things, increase the state's gas tax by 9 cents a gallon and annual vehicle registration fees by about $60. The tax and fee hikes are expected to raise $1.4 billion annually for road repair work."
    Yup. Road repair, replacement, approaches, and bike paths.  ..  Cool cities.  Way. Cool. Cities.

    But isn't that the NORMAL route for those on the left who can't find it in their heart to cut spending elsewhere?  Big dollar piggy banks like smokers, gasoline, liquor, and utilities, and land ownership are easy to hit, even when the revenue goes to programs and expenditures that are not even remotely related. Snyder, in his efforts to raise taxes and oppose the super majority limit provided by prop 5 is actually opposing the (Abridged)RNC platform itself :

    Balancing the Budget

    Cutting spending is not enough; it must be accompanied by major structural reforms, increased productivity, use of technology, and long-term government downsizing that both reduce debt and deficits and ignite economic growth. We must restructure the twentieth century entitlement state so the missions of important programs can succeed in the twenty-first century.   ..   The budget process gave us the insidious term "tax expenditure," which means that any earnings the government allows a taxpayer to keep through a deduction, exemption, or credit are equivalent to spending the same amount on some program. ..  It refuses to recognize the beneficial budgetary impact of lower tax rates, and it calls a spending increase a cut if it is less than the rate of inflation. .. We call for a Constitutional amendment requiring a super-majority for any tax increase, with exceptions for only war and national emergencies, and imposing a cap limiting spending to the historical average percentage of GDP so that future Congresses cannot balance the budget by raising taxes.

    Growth providing the necessary increase in revenues?  Limiting tax increases to a super-majority vote? A 'constitutional amendment'?  Oh my!

    Government, both large and small has specific responsibilities.  States might well have more latitude on the programs offered to its constituencies, but the waste remains no matter WHOM might be in charge. The type of limit considered by prop 5, or its counterpart wish in the Republican national platform, is merely a mandate to look first for that waste, and then if necessary consider other means to meet immediate needs.

    And frankly, arguments challenging the legitimacy of amending the Michigan constitution for such a thing as a 2/3rd limit are nonsense.  In fact, it is probably the most legitimate initiative on the ballot.  The constitution, is a box which holds the rules to which our legislators and other government functionaries are bound.  It provides LIMITS and a STRUCTURE (constitution) to which legislation or regulation must adhere.

    It is EXACTLY why there is an initiative process.  It gives more control of limiting abusive legislative process to those who presumably hold the ultimate power.

    We the people.

    Snyder needs to reconsider his position as flag bearer in Michigan Republican politics.  Failure to abandon the Granholm policies, and leftward progressive bent that has destroyed Detroit, Flint, free markets, and our manufacturing base will only confuse voters and continue to reinforce negative stereotypes of who we are as Republicans.

    Indeed, I had nearly bought in to the reasoning offered by those who say "we will be limiting our options for reform." Many of us can relate to difficulty in passage of legislation that is tough because of structural safeguards put in place by those before us. No one likes things to be 'difficult'.  Yes, a higher bar set for those bent on imposing further costs on a heavily taxed citizenry is a bar harder to reach.

    And ultimately, that is a good thing.

    < Campaign To Defeat Obama Tour - Michigan In Play | Last Nights Highlights >

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    He's right (none / 0) (#1)
    by InksLWC on Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 01:46:04 PM EST
    Passing an amendment to restrict raising taxes to require a 2/3 majority is not the Republican thing to do.  Sometimes tax increases ARE necessary (otherwise we wouldn't have taxes at all), and this blanket approach will cause problems down the road.  As Republicans, we should vote down tax increases that are unnecessary and harmful, but we shouldn't restrict the ability to raise all taxes.

    Voting yes on Prop 5 is a mistake that will have grave consequences down the road.

    When I was driving through Lansing today... (none / 0) (#16)
    by KG One on Thu Oct 18, 2012 at 04:06:52 PM EST
    ...1240 ran an interesting ad announcing the Michigan gas tax hike signed into law by Gov. Snyder and passing the Michigan legislature with only one vote.

    The ad was a fake(?) news report put out by AFP-Michigan giving a very interesting "what if" scenario on why the guv is so afraid of Prop 5.

    I cannot find a link for it yet, but I'll post it when I find it (unless someone beats me to it).

    Ha! (none / 0) (#45)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Oct 26, 2012 at 03:54:03 PM EST
    Contribution #3

    Contributors Last Name or Organization
    National Education Association
    16th Street Northwest
    Washington, DC  20036


    Goonion whores, and the empty-headed idiots who gladly expose other people, and their bank accounts to them.

    YES on Prop 5 & 6 - NO on everything else!

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