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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Obama mandated birth control imposition;

    By politicaltea, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 31, 2012 at 11:16:47 AM EST
    Tags: Obama imposition (all tags)

    Get used to it. Barack Hussein Obama will continue changing laws that violate the United States Constitution. What is he up to now? The Obama mandated "birth control imposition". He always promises to "revise" his mandates, but in the end, he never does.

    Obama's success is based on an "unnatural" ability to "wear down" or "break the will" of people who oppose him, change laws and implement unconstitutional mandates against the very will of the people he rules over. Amazing!

    The mandated obamacare bill itself is an example of his unusual "gift". What you need to understand is that these calculated changes to constitutional law have everything to do with controlling human behavior! This little man is a deceiver, he cannot help himself as his allegiance prevents him. Watch his every move, closely. He promises revision of his mandates, but in the end, he does NOT revise and actually achieves more than he revealed to the public.

    Another recent example of his malevolent gift is the successful installation of photo machines in airports that take pictures of your genitalia. These machines initially caused public outcry that ended in a whimper. These intrusive machines violate every interpretation of United States constitutional rights to privacy and yet, they are now accepted by United States citizens as "normal" accepted behavior. He depends on your fatigue to defeat you. "Distract them, Wear them down... They will give up"....

    NOW WHAT? The current Obama mandated birth control imposition will succeed and the constitutionally protected rights of citizens, who embrace a moral conviction against the practice of abortion and birth control, will be subjugated to the will of this strange little man.
    The blood bought constitutional freedoms of United States Citizens are lost to the will of an odd little man who has a special unnatural gift to fearlessly oppose the will of the people he reigns over. He will continue to change law that controls how he will spend your money.

    He is not finished. Once national healthcare is operational, he will restrict access to life sustaining goods and services unless you agree to compromise your moral convictions. He will circumvent your access to food and energy unless your behavior conforms to his new laws. This is the real deal. Call it what you want. While we are distracted by "other issues" the path has been chosen for all. The world will become his oyster and he will succeed for a short time.
    The ultimate goal of the US version of national health care is to achieve and integrate a "Global" health care system. The world powers that be have decided long ago that, "to control who has access to healthcare, food and energy is to control human behavior.

    Daniel 7:25
    25And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
    This unique power is anti-Christ. How will the Church Overcome? Revelation 12:11 -They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

    < "POLITICAL TEA" | DR. Rob For U of M Regent >

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