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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Just Make It Up

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 11, 2012 at 11:29:35 PM EST
    Tags: DNR, Michigan, Pigs, Swine, Feral DNR, National Invasive Species Laboratory (all tags)

    The DNR is rapidly working on a credibility decline.

    I thought it strange when the DNR spokesman talked about the singular "Expert" that was relied upon when deciding to end the livelihood of many small farmers in our state, but this next piece takes the cake. From the PPJ Gazette:

    "On the Michigan DNR's website, when attempting to explain what it is doing about feral swine, it is stated that "The DNR has declared Sus Scrofa, one species of swine, an invasive species in Michigan. As such, possession of this species is now prohibited in Michigan. This was a move by Michigan DNR to join other states in the battle against feral swine, as well as to align with the National Invasive Species Laboratory's stance on feral swine." (emphasis mine)

    There's just one thing!
    There is no "National Invasive Species Laboratory."


    Tis true. (I have saved a copy of the site in case it is removed) And as noted perhaps there is a similar sounding group, or something.  But even if it was the closest match, the forest service, tied in with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, well uhh...  The next question becomes "why is the DNR aligning itself with a UN creation?"

    What gives Rick Snyder?  Is your DNR a little off the reservation lately, or is it all a part of the plan?

    Folks, the fact that the state agency, on the heels of a dramatic issuance of great harm to our citizens, would back up that decision with a bogus institution should be troubling at the least.  If the agenda cannot be forwarded legitimately, is this the best they can do for pulling the non invasive wool over our eyes?

    Feral swine are loose in the DNR.  Rutting out our forests of Business.  

    And its all a sham.

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    There is an Invasive Species Council (none / 0) (#1)
    by Bruce on Thu Apr 12, 2012 at 05:58:13 AM EST
    here: http://www.invasivespecies.gov/

    Not much in the way of specifics about eradicating them.  This is probably somebody's personal agenda prodded on by a wife whose garden got eaten by a wild pig.

    I can't see them as a greater nuisance than foreign off-road ATVs.  Are they another invasive species?

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