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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    God Help Us

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 03, 2012 at 11:19:56 PM EST
    Tags: One Term Nerd, Agema start scouting, 2014 (all tags)

    via The Detroit News

    Ann Arbor - Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder isn't yet announcing his re-election bid, but he says there's still a lot he wants to accomplish that may spill into a second term.

    The Republican governor told The Associated Press in a Friday interview he has learned after a year and a half in office "things don't happen overnight." He says that's where persistence pays off, one reason he's considering another run in 2014.

    Snyder says he hopes people "are excited about what we've accomplished" and want to keep the same team in place through 2018.

    The Ann Arbor venture capitalist won a five-way GOP primary in 2010 and the general election after spending nearly $6 million of his own money on the race. He took office Jan. 1, 2011.

    Rest here.

    Schwarz primary .. Anti-Right-To-Work .. Stopped the Income Tax roll down to 3.9% .. Pension Tax .. bypasses legislature i.e., the people for DRIC bridge ..  Light Rail boondoggles .. Veto photo ID for absentee ballots .. Insurance Exchange .. wants Romney to ignore Obama's Record ... another term of the Nerd?

    Oy!  Good thing I'm 30 seconds away from the Macallan.

    < It's time to nut up or shut up! | Overtime With 3 .. no 2 >

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    Call it a hunch... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Sat Aug 04, 2012 at 08:04:07 AM EST
    ...but I'm of the strong opinion that Dave Agema isn't going to have any problems finding people to help him defeat Rick Snyder, should he decide to run for Governor.

    And the governor's blindess (1.00 / 1) (#4)
    by grannynanny on Sun Aug 05, 2012 at 12:54:29 PM EST
    When it comes to the rat hole named Detroit.  Mayor Bing, the clown council and the residents are dancing up and down the trash strewn streets of Detroit and laughing out loud at him and the rest of the residents of this state who's tax dollars are wasted on this failed experiment.

    Went on a family trip to Greenfield Village/Henry Ford Museum on Saturday and then finished the day at the Tigers/Indians matchup.  Leaving Comerica Park with our 6 yr. old grandson and lots of other families and there in the middle of the street, directly in front of the ballpark, in front of the police, were two guys hawking t-shirts that said:  Detroit "F#*$ing" Michigan.  They were loud and in everyone's face.  It was disgusting!  I am no prude but this was so out of this world.  The city is nothing but third world.  This state, with a bold pronouncement from the governor, needs to just stop feeding the beast and let it die.

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