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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I haven't decided what I'm doing yet (none / 0) (#2)
    by Republican Michigander on Wed Aug 04, 2010 at 10:05:14 AM EST
    A few things are running in my head.

    With Snyder, I can't get past the $2000 to prop 2, the outsourcing under his watch, the fiscal liberal ties, and the inability to answer questions in something besides political speak. Those made him my last choice in the primary. If Hoekstra, Bouchard, or George won, I would have made my endorsement immediately.

    Possibly in Rick's favor is redistricting. That's a big one.

    Rick has to earn my vote, or get lucky and have Bernero piss me off to the degree John Kerry or Barack Obama did. I normally would not vote for a McCain, and I had my problems with Bush in 04 as well.

    Going against Rick is Bush. I took one for the team in 04, and caved in 2000 before I was a Republican. I also saw the shape Bush left the party with his fiscal leftism.

    Rick Snyder can earn my vote by giving me solid fiscal conservative pledges and plans. If he's the nerd he claims to be and not just a corporate boardroom politician, he can show me a plan for implementation. If he fails to deliver specific plans, I will fail to vote for him.

    The ball is in his court.

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