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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    OK, at what cost? (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Jul 19, 2011 at 11:04:29 AM EST
    KG, please don't view this as an anything ill directed towards you.  It is not.  Your heart is in the right place.  I'm just raising the question here, and am fully expecting a sh!tstorm for doing so, but what is the bottom line figure for AG Schuette and his staff to go after $12K?  Is it break even?  A net loss?

    Sorry, but the only ones I see making a buck on this $12K thing is the gaggle of ambulance chasers on both sides that pick at and mend Kwame's scabs in the press.  The more it's done, the more it just goes towards endearing Kwame to the ingrained "Y'alls boy" inhabitants at large in the City of Detroit.  Is that $12K worth that?

    For me, it's a shame to see our new AG haggling over a $12K what's done is done; it's grandstanding on top of a foolish squandering of my coerced tax dollars that could be allocated on more productive matters concerning us taxpayers.

    I'm also somewhat disagreeable on the assessment of the previous AG.

    Mike Cox is directly responsible with forcing the legal hand on what everyone in this state wanted to happen.  First and foremost, Mike Cox removed Kwame from Office, while also hanging a felony on him in the process.  Mike Cox pulled his offered plea and Kwame blinked.  That big cajone move saved state taxpayers a sh!tload of coin in court costs with a wild card jury of his peers, and spared the state the ongoing Hip-hop Mayor national black eye.  There is not another damned soul in this state or nation that can lay claim to that fact.  Nobody.

    If you ask me, that is $12K well spent by the state just to be free of the bastard for the time that we all were.  Freedom isn't free applies sometimes here too I reckon.  Most accept that fact if they've ever had personal dealings in our cumbersome legalese world of justice we've evolved into.

    Mike Cox, thank you again.

    However, this new regime $12K haggling... very petty.  I expect better in the future.

    That is just my 2¢

    Do with it what y'all will.

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