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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Thanks to everyone who helped make for a great event!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Sat Nov 10, 2007 at 03:42:48 PM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    Just pulled in the driveway after our first ever Right Roots blogger meet-up and I wanted to send out a quick thank you to everyone who helped make it a great event!

    It was fantastic to get to actually sit down and meet so many bloggers literally from the four corners of the state.  We filled the room with nearly 25 bloggers, during the Michigan AND Michigan State football games (drew a lot more than I initially anticipated) and had a good time hearing from folks like Justice Cliff Taylor, former Senate candidate Keith Butler and the nation's only blogging state Committeeman, Saul Anuzis!  

    And the common theme from everyone?  What we're doing is important and it can make a difference.  By focusing on our unique passions and the races that get our own juices flowing we can have an impact on Decision 2008 and that's exciting!

    < The Weekend in the Sphere | The Health Crisis >

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    Great Event! (none / 0) (#1)
    by sanuzis on Sat Nov 10, 2007 at 06:25:50 PM EST
    Great job Nick and all of those who participated.  Thanks for giving me an opporutnity to be part of your event!

    We need ALL of you folks...keep the faith!

    Tough Questions? (none / 0) (#3)
    by DMOnline on Sun Nov 11, 2007 at 09:52:14 AM EST
    Hi.  Sorry I missed this.  I really wanted to attend but something else came up making that impossible.

    Nevertheless, I trust we asked a couple tough questions of our guests - yes?

    The party's plan to disenfranchise the Republican rank and file from choosing its nominee is deplorable and I hope was addressed.

    If so, please share the comments expressed.



    I'm glad it went well... (none / 0) (#6)
    by amanda zaluckyj on Sun Nov 11, 2007 at 03:52:03 PM EST
    ...its too bad I couldn't make it! :-/

    Glad to Hear It (none / 0) (#7)
    by DMOnline on Sun Nov 11, 2007 at 04:30:38 PM EST
    While I'm glad to hear The Party is pushing hard to keep the Republican primary, previous reporting on this blog suggests the fix has been in for some time.  It seems as if there's a desire among the Party powers to take the decision out of the hands of the rank and file and give it to a relative handful of convention delegates.  I hope I'm wrong but it sure does smell that way.


    Thanks... (none / 0) (#8)
    by DanaP on Sun Nov 11, 2007 at 07:02:39 PM EST
    To all who came!  It was nice to finally put faces with blogs/names!

    DM: No one even believes that YOU believe that (none / 0) (#9)
    by Jake Davison on Mon Nov 12, 2007 at 06:56:15 PM EST


    I know a convention wouldn't be good for Rudi, but that doesn't make your conspiracy mongering any less pathetically transparent. And insinuating that our party leadership doesn't really want a primary deserves an apology or a "restatement." If you think people should vote for Giuliani instead of Romney or McCain, make an argument. Or name the cabal of "Party powers."

    Smart move never using your real name though. Really adds credibility.

    I believe it Jake (none / 0) (#10)
    by Ed Burley on Mon Nov 12, 2007 at 08:48:47 PM EST
    And I use my real name.

    The Michigan Republican Party, under the leadership of Saul, has tried to disenfranchise Republicans throughout this campaign. When I first realized that I was done with this shiftless bunch was when Saul stated that Ron Paul should be banned from the debates. Even though, at that time, I wasn't a supporter of Paul due to his anti-war stance, I knew right then that we were watching a replay of 1996, when the conservatives were ignored, ridiculed, slandered, etc. all to make sure that good old establishment Dole got the nomination. We all know how well that went for the GOP nationally, don't we?

    As I pointed out in a comment on another article, the Michigan Constitution puts the decision-making about ALL elections, including primaries, in the hands of THE LEGISLATURE. The U.S. Constitution puts the power in the hands of the state legislatures, as well. Nowhere in any constitutional document does the power land with the national Party, or the courts.

    In case you were not aware, when our legislature voted to move our primaries up to January, the national GOP said that we would lose HALF our Party delegates as a consequence. How's that for disenfranchisement? Then this pin-head judge rules an early primary "unconstitutional." AMAZING! When the constitution's only comments about elections is that, as I pointed out already, it is the decision of the LEGISLATURE, not the courts; it was HE that was unconstitutional.

    Where is the national leadership on this one? Still threatening the cut in delegates at the national convention? Where is the state leadership? Are they in front of the Supreme Court demanding that this judge get his ass kicked all the way back to the corner with his dunce cap on?

    Where is the reporting about all the work Saul is doing? C'mon, give it to us. As I said before, Saul lost all credibility with me when he wanted to play Hitler with OUR POLITICS. Banning people from debates? Allowing piss-ant judges to take away our constitutional powers?

    Show leadership Saul, and I'll get back on the bandwagon. Until then, I'm going to assume that nobody in the MIGOP gives a rip about the constitution or our rights as voters.

    A little off topic here? (none / 0) (#13)
    by Keepin the Faith on Tue Nov 13, 2007 at 08:48:27 AM EST
    What started as a friendly little piece about a couple of bloggers meeting up in Lansing has devolved into yet another argument about Ron Paul.  

    This is like the "telephone" game we played as children.  

    BTW - At some point there needs to be a few focused debates with the front-runners only.  Each candidate needs to make their own decision regarding when they feel they are no longer viable and need to get out of the race, but I see nothing wrong with shifting the focus to the front-runners as the primaries approach.

    Just my opinion.

    • Yeah, right by Ed Burley, 11/13/2007 09:39:23 AM EST (none / 0)
    Understand your audience, Ed. (none / 0) (#17)
    by John Galt on Fri Nov 16, 2007 at 08:26:50 AM EST
    Ed, you're becoming unhinged.  Seek professional help.  And at least take a writing class or two.

    You didn't mention hitler's propaganda machine.  You mentioned Hitler himself.  It's not my fault - or anyone else's - that you can't create a post that people can understand.  I wouldn't expect you to understand how to write effectively though.  

    "Where is the reporting about all the work Saul is doing? C'mon, give it to us. As I said before, Saul lost all credibility with me when he wanted to play Hitler with OUR POLITICS. Banning people from debates? Allowing piss-ant judges to take away our constitutional powers?

    Show leadership Saul, and I'll get back on the bandwagon. Until then, I'm going to assume that nobody in the MIGOP gives a rip about the constitution or our rights as voters. "

    "play Hitler with OUR POLITICS".  Because that OBVIOUSLY means the propaganda, right?  Of course, it was Hitler's "propaganda machine" that took away German's rights.  (And how is Saul having judges take away our constitutional rights?  You're really unhinged, dude).

    You might have understood what you were talking about, but you haven't made it clear to the rest of us.  Trying to be "subtle" with such a massive, emotional phrase as "play Hitler" is likely to cause some problems.

    So now it's "Propaganda Machine".  Saul sought a petition to remove Ru Paul from the debates, so now he's in some conspiracy with "the Front Runners".  You're free to choose who you want, just like people who were free to sign Saul's petition.  Saul backed down from the petition because "the little people" (as you call them) complained and whined how unfair it was.

    And you make this wild accusation about me - that I'm going to whine if Ron Paul wins... I'm not too worried about Ron Paul winning.  He'll be a distant third, like 1988.  

    You're just simply not capable of civil discourse, are you?  And you don't find it ironic - that you whine and moan and piss-n-vinegar about how Ron Paul isn't getting the support from the party, but then you accuse others that "you'll whine when Ron Paul wins".  You're just full of hypocrissy.  You don't want a party that treats everyone equal, you want a party that supports Ru Paul alone.

    And you're the only one saying we need "Saul to protect the little people like us from ourselves".  Nobody's said this but you.  

    More unhinged attitude. (none / 0) (#18)
    by John Galt on Fri Nov 16, 2007 at 08:43:29 AM EST
    Like I said in a previous post - You really aren't capable of civil discourse, are you?  Attacking everyone who might disagree with you.  What a shame.

    Since then, Dr. Paul has raised millions of dollars, including over $4M in one day.

    some of which came from stolen credit cards, and a bunch from KKK, White Supremists, and other hate-mongers.  Birds of a feather...

    Let's wait and see what the first few primaries do to the field. Once we get through those, we'll see who the front runners are. We'll watch as the Huckabees and the Hunters go back home with their tails between their legs.

    Funny, aren't the Huckabees and Hunters "conservatives" too?  Or do you think they're not libertarian enough?  Oh that's right.  The only true Republican is Ron Paul.  

    And if Dr. Paul has to go home - so be it. That's what the election is about. Not good enough for the GOP though. They have to keep the voters from actually picking a candidate.

    So be it?  I have a feeling you'll be on here for months whining to everyone that they're not REAL Republicans, and that it's the "establishment GOP" that caused his defeat.  You'll stomp around like a two-year old in a hissy fit and claim you've gone to the libertarian party again.

    And what about Ron Paul, who claimed he'd run as a "third party candidate"?  I have a feeling "so be it" doesn't quite fit here.

    As I said, Saul lost my respect BEFORE I became a Ron Paul supporter. So, get off your high horse and let the people decide who our candidate will be. I am still a registered Republican - at least for now. If the GOP's behavior continues, I won't be for much longer.

    Threats and promises.  We've seen this before.  You're a registered Republican - but there's no place to register.  Instead of "so be it", like you said earlier - If the GOP's behavior continues - and they don't nominate Ron Paul - you'll stamp your feet and go elsewhere.

    But you've said in earlier posts you already left.  And that the Republican party has already left you.  And now you're still a Republican.  You're right, Ed.  I can't follow the constantly changing storyline.  It's not that i'm not smart enough to understand - I'm smart enough to know your story keeps changing every week.

    A president who spent more than his Democrat predecessor. A state House and Senate that gave the Socialist governor the largest tax hike in history. A state House and Senate that went into conference committee and came out with $1B in new spending, while telling the media (who believes them) and the idiots out there, that they made "budget cuts." Why isn't Saul and his cronies on the TV telling the people all this? Don't they get air time? Can't they afford it? Spending all their money trying to keep Dr. Paul from getting elected by popular vote in the primary?

    Wow, piss and vinegar.  MIGOP isn't spending any money to keep Ron Paul from getting elected.  I wouldn't expect you to be smart enough to understand that, though.  You're so full of piss and vinegar and whining that you can't understand simple concepts like that.

    The Republican party shouldn't be a mouthpiece for bashing people.  Let's use the money raised to talk about the issues.

    And since we're talking about money - why isn't RON PAUL spending his money on the ads you want to see?  WHy isn't Ron Paul criticizing our Governor and State House and State Reps?  Why isn't Ron Paul bashing other Republicans for not being "Real Republicans"?  Hypocrissy, dude.  What you seek from MIGOP you aren't asking for from your own Candidate.  

    Get real. You aren't talking to some idiot here. I am well versed, and well-read, in politics and economics. I watched Dole muscle the paleoconservatives out of the party 22 years ago. We've never recovered. Look what it's got us.

    More story changing.  In an earlier post, you said it was the conservatives 20-30 years ago that set up the Republican win in 1994.  But he muscled everyone out in 1985 - so it wasn't conservatives who won in 1994 (before the "establishment" took over)?

    You may well be well-read and educated, but your posts have the intellectual consistency of clam chowder.

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