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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Profile in "Choice" Hypocrisy: Rep. Alma "the Wheeler-Dealer" Smith

    By Andrew Shirvell, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 27, 2008 at 02:05:57 AM EST
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    As if we need any more proof that the loudest proponents of the so-called constitutionally-protected right to "reproductive choice" (a.k.a. killing one's unborn child via abortion) are anything but pro-choice on other matters, state Rep. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-54th District) provides some fresh evidence.  This time it involves the right to choose an educational setting for one's child.

    Rep. Wheeler Smith, a pro-abortion rights zealot thirsty for power (see: http://www.rightmichigan.com/story/2007/11/2/03625/3399), recently told the Milan News-Leader that she continues to object to public-financing of charter schools because such schools are draining funds from the oh-so productive public school system here in Michigan:

    "I haven't seen any study that would change my reluctance to put them in place.  We see no greater academic achievement on the whole, nor are they creating any new teaching techniques that couldn't be introduced to the public schools." See: http://www.milannews.com/stories/032708/loc_20080327004.shtml

    Whatever, Ms. Wheeler-Dealer.

    Shouldn't the real issue be all about "choice"?  What about a parent's right to choose the most appropriate educational setting for his or her child?  

    Ironically, in the article referenced above, which is entitled "Offering Parents Choice: Number of Public School Academies Rising," two public school district superintendents offer their candid support for charter schools based on the right of parents to choose:

    "If you want to make it a positive situation, you should work with (charter schools), not against them. . .I don't look at it as a bad thing.  I look at it as parents having options." - Dennis McComb, superintendent of the Milan Area School District.

    "As long as (charter schools) are held to the same standards as the public schools, I'm all for variety and choices." - Lynn Cleary, acting superintendent at Lincoln Consolidated School District in Ypsilanti.

    Unfortunately for the citizens of her state House district, Rep. Wheeler Smith cares only about having choice on one particular issue: the ability to end an unborn child's life if his or her mother so wishes - no matter the reason.

    Read on. . .

    Rep. Alma "the Wheeler-Dealer" Smith is the epitome of the pro-abortion rights liberal activist who loudly uses the rhetoric of choice to masquerade what abortion is really all about, while at the same time relentlessly working to limit the choice of Americans in almost every other respect, from attending the school of their choice to eating the foods of their choice.

    According to this warped conception of the right to choose, it is a-ok to choose to kill your unborn kids (if you want to), but it's not a good idea for Americans to choose anything other than what the liberals say is good for you, e.g. traditional public schools, low-fat foods, motorcycle helmets, etc.  And the liberal loony-tunes will work damn hard to ensure that your right to choose is limited with respect to the latter while eagerly toiling to guarantee that your right to abortion is unfettered.

    In fact, this is exactly what Rep. Wheeler Smith has done over her political career.  She has never supported one abortion restriction during her entire legislative career in both the state House and state Senate.  Not a single one.  Meantime, her attitude with respect to school choice, as evidenced by her recent comments, speaks volumes as to what she would do if there were actually enough votes to rescind Michigan's charter school legislation tomorrow.  

    It seems that some choices are more sacred for Alma and her liberal friends than others.  

    Or, perhaps, they're more lucrative.

    Besides the obvious fact that Ms. Wheeler-Dealer serves as a puppet of the Michigan Education Association, I cannot help but wonder if Alma's opposition to school choice is somehow linked with her ultimate passion for promoting abortion on demand.  

    Planned Parenthood, the state's largest abortion provider, has been pretty much free to indoctrinate traditional public school students concerning the "right" to abortion, contraception, casual sex, and homosexual sodomy via school-wide presentations and other, more secretive mechanisms.  However, I am unsure as to how much of a foot-hold, if any, Planned Parenthood has within the charter school community.  

    It seems to me that the more that charter schools prosper and expand, the less students (read: future customers) there are that Planned Parenthood can easily reach.  Thus, school choice is perhaps having a detrimental effect on the business of "reproductive choice."  

    The jury is still out on that potential link.  But what is certain is that Rep. Alma Wheeler Smith will continue as a role model for all those pro-abortion liberals who play the hypocrite on the issue of "choice."

    I encourage all you pro-life college students throughout the state to attend this year's Students for Life of Michigan annual conference coming up this Saturday, March 29, 2008 in Ann Arbor.  You can view all the details about this worthwhile conference here: http://www.rightmichigan.com/story/2008/3/25/81645/1721    

    About the author: Andrew Shirvell, Esq., is a pro-life citizen activist who writes a weekly column that is published every Thursday for RightMichigan.com in which he focuses upon Michigan pro-life issues. Shirvell attended Ave Maria School of Law - Ann Arbor, where he served as president of the school's Bioethics Society, from 2004-2005.  He also served as president of Students for Life at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, from 2000-2002.

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    Alma Smith Not Telling You The Truth (none / 0) (#1)
    by Akindele on Thu Mar 27, 2008 at 10:56:38 PM EST
    I know Alma Smith personally. She is being hypocritical on this issue of charters. Why? Because I invited her to speak to my class when she was running for Lt. Governor back in 2002 in Detroit.

    She spoke to my 9th-10th grade African American Civics and History Classes during her tenure in the State Senate at the Detroit Academy of Arts and Sciences. DAAS is a charter school in Detroit.

    She said she loved the charter school but felt that not enough money was coming into the school because the school lacked a true art program (Alma Smith is into the arts).

    Smith again said she loved the idea of charters on my former radio show in Highland Park during an interview but some of them (like the one I worked in) needed more programs in place like art and music.

    Don't believe the hype with this one. I know first hand she is lying.

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